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A new survey has revealed the top 20 tricks women employ to make themselves feel seductive. A simple spray of favourite perfume comes top of the list for helping women feel sexy. A new hairdo and a happy smile also rank highly. Women also hailed settling down into a warm bath, showing off their well-maintained legs and wearing a push-up bra as quick fixes for achieving the "it" factor. The study commissioned by UK's health and beauty retailer, Superdrug, also revealed that the average woman only feels truly irresistible once a week - usually on a Saturday night. "This poll clearly indicates that while women know exactly what they have to do in order to feel sexy, they obviously aren't doing it often enough," the Daily Express quoted Sara Wolverson of Superdrug as saying. "Maintaining a beautiful, polished appearance can take time - something most busy women don't have enough of. "But with a little bit of effort, such as a splash of scent, a pair of fluttering false lashes and a big smile, ladies can feel confident and incredible," she stated. The study of 2,000 women found more than half of those polled consider a simple spritz of perfume was all it took to make them feel special. More than one third said a new hair colour or highlights made them feel sexy. The poll also revealed that women feel sexier if they spend hours getting ready. Other contributors to a sexy look include waxing, applying an all-over fake tan and straightening or curling hair, exercising religiously, wearing a tight-fitting top, a short skirt and jewellery.

Любовь Русалки

Любовь РусалкиТема: ЛюбовьАвтор плэйкаста:alemigunСоздан: вчера, 11:37


Excuses publiques Vous en voulez une bonne? Le journal The Sun de la petite localité de Bremerton, dans l'Etat de Washington, a publié une dépêche de la Presse Associée (Associated Press) qui raconte que la tenancière d'un bordel, en Australie, affirme qu'elle a dû cesser ses opérations parce que les filles à son emploi étaient à bout de souffle. Elles faisaient la grève. La grève de la chair. Mais la semaine suivante, le journal publiait ses plates excuses: "Excusez-nous, cette nouvelle est un canular. Nous sommes tombés bêtement dans le piège. C'est notre erreur. Excusez-nous. Le problème? Bremerton abrite une importante base navale et que les familles des marins ne l'ont pas trouvé drôle. Hé Hé s'est dit l'éditeur, faut corriger ça. On imagine... Comment mon chum, mon mari, mon fils fait zizi panpan dans les bordels australiens?! Disons que les gars vont se faire frotter les oreilles au retour.

Девичий хоровод

Девичий хороводТема: МузыкаАвтор плэйкаста:alemigunСоздан: позавчера, 20:05



/A>Quand la vie nous joue des tours De mener ta vie tu étais bien capable Tu semblais toujours inébranlable Mais un jour, on a du nous rendre à l’évidence Tu n’étais plus aussi présente Tu étais devenue bien différente Tu te refermais dans ton silence Un soir qu’on en avait longtemps parlé Tu avais dit, je te laisse tout planifier Tu sauras pour moi ce qui est bon Tu prendras de bien meilleures décisions Les enfants et moi on s’en faisait On voyait, que ta santé déclinait Tu n’avais plus le même raisonnement Tu avais changée, dans ton comportement Droit devant nous en tant qu’être cher Il nous fallait pourtant le reconnaître Tu ne serais plus jamais comme avant On devait nous pencher sur toi maintenant Le médecin, avait reconnu ton Alzheimer Déjà que ce mot nous faisait bien peur D’ailleurs que tu ne te souvenais plus De nos heureux moments survenus Tu oubliais souvent, on te répétait Des noms, des dates, le jour qu’on était On te réorientait, dans l’espace et le temps Tu ne vieillissais plus du tout comme avant T’habiller, manger, ne plus jamais sortir Tel était souvent ton unique plaisir Tu te rappelais ton enfance, ton adolescence Sans te rappeler, ce que tu avais fait dimanche Dans ta vie il y avait plein de barrières On devait souvent, rallumer les lumières A présent, on te suit pas à pas On te donne la main, partout ou tu vas Tes bons souvenirs tu les as perdus Bien des choses, sont du jamais vus Il t’arrive, d’avoir beaucoup de chagrin Mais je sais, tu reconnais ma main Tu t’es peut-être éloignée de ton passé Mais au présent, on peut encore nous retrouver Si cette maladie, ose ronger ton esprit Tu resteras toujours, celle dont on s’ennuie

Perdu au coeur de la forêt, Bruce vit des jours paisibles à bord de son Boeing 727 Si certaines personnes redoutent l’avion plus que tout autre moyen de transport, d’autres en sont fans. C’est notamment le cas de ce retraité américain qui a élu domicile dans un ancien Boeing 727 qui trône en plein milieu de son terrain. DGS vous emmène à la découverte de cette maison en acier pas comme les autres. Bruce Campbell, ancien ingénieur et passionné d’aviation à la retraite, s’est offert un beau (et très gros) cadeau pour parfaire sa retraite : unBoeing 727 en guise de maison. Ce sexagénaire réside donc la moitié de l’année dans un fuselage intact d’avion de ligne qu’il a « sauvé » de la casse contre la coquette somme de 147 000 €. Posée en plein milieu des arbres, cette maison pas comme les autres n’a pas vocation à être luxueuse, l’intérieur est même plutôt rudimentaire.Bruce dispose donc d’une douche de fortune, de sanitaires fonctionnels (heureusement) et d’un mobilier rudimentaire. Cela dit, il semble s’en satisfaire amplement et on le comprend : on n’a pas tous les jours l’occasion de pouvoir s’endormir et se réveiller à bord d’un avion ! Enfin,Bruce a également la chance de pouvoir se reposer ou lire dans le cockpit… complètement intact ! avion-maison-entree loupe Mais ce retraité originaire de l’Etat d’Oregon aux Etats-Unis ne compte pas en rester là. En effet, quand il n’est pas dans sa maison ailée dePortland, Bruce Campbell séjourne au Japon où il recherche activement un nouvel avion à « sauver ». Cette fois-ci, il espère pouvoir acheter un modèle plus gros (Boeing 747) et surtout fonctionnel, afin de pouvoir effectuer ses allers-retours au pays du Soleil-Levant. Enfin, si l’envie vous prenait de vivre dans un fuselage d’avion, sachez queBruce Campbell tient un blog à cet effet dans lequel il explique comment acquérir et meubler un avion, entre autres. Et comme il le dit lui-même : « Si je peux le faire, vous pouvez le faire aussi. » La balle est dans votre camp ;) ! avion-maison-toilette loupe avion-maison-interieur loupe avion-maison-interieur-table loupe avion-maison-bruce-campbell loupe avion-maison-cockpit loupe avion-maison-interieur-hublot loupe avion-maison-bruce-campbell-hublot loupe avion-maison-voiture loupe avion-maison-pre loupe avion-maison-train-daterrissage loupe avion-maison-fuselage-arbre loupe avion-maison-arbre loupe avion-maison-aile loupe avion-maison-portland loupe avion-maison-cache-arbre loupe avion-maison-rear loupe Ce qui est sûr, c’est que Bruce ne risque pas de se tromper de maison en rentrant chez lui :p ! Au bureau, les avis sont partagés : certains rêveraient de vivre dans cet avion alors que d’autres préfèreraient une architecture plus en harmonie avec la nature. Et vous alors, aimeriez-vous vivre dans un lieu atypique comme celui-ci ou bien préférez-vous le confort de votre appartement ?

Pour mon Papa Mon papa aimé, mon papa à moi, Toi qui me fais bondir Sur tes genoux Comme un chamois, Que pourrais-je te dire Que tu ne sais déjà? Il fait si doux Quand ton sourire Éclaire tout sous notre toit. Je me sens fort, je me sens roi, Quand je marche à côté de toi.


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Le succès à 2 ans : C'est de ne pas faire dans sa culotte Le succès à 3 ans : C'est d'avoir des dents. Le succès à 12 ans : C'est d'avoir des amis. Le succès à 18 ans : C'est d'avoir le permis de conduire. Le succès à 20 ans : C'est de bien faire l'amour. Le succès à 35 ans : C'est d'avoir de l'argent. Et puis ça repart dans l'autre sens !!! Le succès à 50 ans : C'est d'avoir encore de l'argent. Le succès à 60 ans : C'est de faire encore l'amour. Le succès à 70 ans : C'est d'avoir encore le permis de conduire. Le succès à 75 ans : C'est d'avoir encore des amis. Le succès à 80 ans : C'est d'avoir encore des dents. Le succès à 85 ans : C'est de ne pas faire dans sa culotte. Et c'est tellement vrai !!! Ne rigole pas, .....

est ce que le verbe aimer peut être associé au verbe souffrir?

Ожившая бронза | Demetre Chiparus

Румынский скульптор эпохи Ар-деко Demetre H. Chiparus (1886-1947) | Ожившая бронза...Танец

Его скульптуры выдвигают на первый план бесконечную красоту танцоров и моду того периода. Demetre H. Chiparus родился в Румынии, в 1909 году отправился в Италию. Учился у скульптура Раффаелло Романелли. В 1912 году Д.Чипарус эмигрировал в Париж, где посещал занятия Парижской Академии Изящных искусств, а впоследствие жил и работал. Первые серии скульптур, произведенных Chiparus, были серией детей и были показаны в Салоне 1914. Зрелый стиль мастера сформировался, начинаясь в 1920-ых. Его скульптуры обладают ярким стильным декоративным эффектом. Танцоры российского Балета, французского театра, и ранних кинофильмов были среди его главных героев.


Усадьба Валентины Камсковой

Предлагаю полюбоваться красотой, созданной руками Валентины Камской. Наткнулась совершенно случайно. Может быть, кто-то здесь найдет и для себя интересное!

[more=4975968_0_90e44_756f1b8f_M (160x28, 10Kb)]

Quand la vie nous joue des tours De mener ta vie tu étais bien capable Tu semblais toujours inébranlable Mais un jour, on a du nous rendre à l’évidence Tu n’étais plus aussi présente Tu étais devenue bien différente Tu te refermais dans ton silence Un soir qu’on en avait longtemps parlé Tu avais dit, je te laisse tout planifier Tu sauras pour moi ce qui est bon Tu prendras de bien meilleures décisions Les enfants et moi on s’en faisait On voyait, que ta santé déclinait Tu n’avais plus le même raisonnement Tu avais changée, dans ton comportement Droit devant nous en tant qu’être cher Il nous fallait pourtant le reconnaître Tu ne serais plus jamais comme avant On devait nous pencher sur toi maintenant Le médecin, avait reconnu ton Alzheimer Déjà que ce mot nous faisait bien peur D’ailleurs que tu ne te souvenais plus De nos heureux moments survenus Tu oubliais souvent, on te répétait Des noms, des dates, le jour qu’on était On te réorientait, dans l’espace et le temps Tu ne vieillissais plus du tout comme avant T’habiller, manger, ne plus jamais sortir Tel était souvent ton unique plaisir Tu te rappelais ton enfance, ton adolescence Sans te rappeler, ce que tu avais fait dimanche Dans ta vie il y avait plein de barrières On devait souvent, rallumer les lumières A présent, on te suit pas à pas On te donne la main, partout ou tu vas Tes bons souvenirs tu les as perdus Bien des choses, sont du jamais vus Il t’arrive, d’avoir beaucoup de chagrin Mais je sais, tu reconnais ma main Tu t’es peut-être éloignée de ton passé Mais au présent, on peut encore nous retrouver Si cette maladie, ose ronger ton esprit Tu resteras toujours, celle dont on s’ennuie


Une fleur, une seule Vous lui faites livrer une fleur, une seule, avec un billet qui dit la partie de son corps que vous voulez caresser, embrasser, et sucer. Pour que le message soit encore plus chaud, il faut lui dire dans quel endroit doit avoir lieu ce petit exercice de plaisir.

No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ************ God didn't promise days without pain, laughter, without sorrow, sun, without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. ************ Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Don't stay on the bumps too long. Move on! ************ When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God has thought of something better to give you. ************ When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. ************ There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard. ************ You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the prson to realize your worth. ************ It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride. ************ We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give. ************ Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take there place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

Il était une fois un roi qui voulait aller à la pêche. Il appelle son météorologue et lui demande l'évolution pour les heures suivantes. Celui-ci le rassure en lui affirmant qu'il pouvait aller Le roi va tranquillement à la pêche car pas de pluie prévue Pour complaire à la reine il met ses plus beaux atours. Sur le chemin, il rencontre un paysan monté sur son âne qui en voyant le roi dit: - «Seigneur mieux vaut que vous rebroussiez chemin car il va beaucoup pleuvoir dans peu de temps." Bien sûr, le roi continue en pensant: - «Comment ce gueux peut-il mieux prévoir le temps que mon spécialiste diplômé grassement payé qui m'a indiqué le contraire. Poursuivons...... " Et c'est ce qu'il fait ... mais il se met bientôt à pleuvoir à torrents. Le roi rentre trempé, la reine se moque de le voir dans un si piteux ét Furieux, le roi revient au palais et congédie illico son météorologue, puis il convoque le paysan lui offrant le poste vacant........ Mais le paysan refuse en ces termes : - «Seigneur, je ne suis pas celui qui comprend quelque chose dans ces affaires de météo et de climat, mais je sais que si les oreilles de mon âne sont baissées cela signifie qu'il va pleuvoir " Et le roi embauche l'âne... C'est ainsi que commença en FRANCE la coutume de recruter des ânes pour les postes de conseillers les mieux payés. C'est depuis ce moment, que fut décidé de créer une école : l'E.N.A. (l'Ecole Nationale des Anes) et ses diplômés, dont nous pouvons mesurer ,tous les jours, les brillantes compétences ....

BLAGUE DU JOUR 1 : Le sondage D'après une enquête sur ce que les hommes pensent des jambes des femmes, 10 % des hommes interrogés préfèrent les jambes fines, 20 % les jambes musclées. Les autres se positionnent entre les deux.

Eye inaudible question: enseignant moderne appelé un, (.. Musique de l'âme est la nourriture et les gens plus près de Dieu sont ces façons d'écouter de la musique ne doit pas négliger, en particulier la musique soufie à écouter est obligatoire Ben musique quand vous écoutez la paix même de l'esprit, je trouve) dit. N'est pas tous les types de musique haram? REPONSE cours de chaque genre de musique est haram rendement ijma. Donc, il n'ya pas de savants islamiques aussi pas légitimes de la musique. Il ya suffisamment d'informations dans le lien ci-dessous: la place de la musique dans la religion il ya une question que personne ne sait. Chaque membre est une tâche distincte. Par exemple, serait yeux pour voir, des oreilles pour entendre, l'amour devient le Kalblin. Pas vice versa. Je vois donc les oreilles, les yeux j'entends, il est faux de dire que j'aime les reins. La musique est interdite, est agréable à notre âme. Poison son âme est écrit dans le lien ci-dessus. Le plaisir de la musique, pas Rahmani, égoïste et mal. Cette condition n'est pas connue (Musique pour moi, c'est rapprocher d'Allah) dit. Haram, auto-agréable et doux revenu. Tout un faciès plus laid que dame ouverte par une femme étrangère qui prend plaisir dans les jambes à regarder. Une femme laide embrassant, embrassant sa belle épouse sont beaucoup plus doux. Ceci est une preuve claire que profiter de la nafs al haram. Écouter de la musique est interdite, les mécréants auraient chatouillé nos âmes. L'âme pauvre ignorant, pensera qu'il aimait. Considérant que l'âme du juste, est tellement malade d'elle. N'importe qui qui apprécie la musique de l'âme est tellement excitée compris. concernant le sujet (de pensées de nos cœurs, des anges, ou s'il s'agissait de Satan, comment dire?) il demandé. Hadrat Muhammad Hadi, il me demande de dire: Allahou ta'ala a vazifelendir un ange pour le cœur de chacun. Cet ange du cœur de l'homme pour inspirer de bonnes pensées; mauvaises pensées viennent de chuchotements de Satan; Si les mauvaises pensées de soi Heva est appelé nafs. Du cœur de comprendre que l'idée est venue, ou non, conformément à l'Islam est cochée. Pensées du coeur, l'âme vient la douleur, n'est pas; le dessert arrive, si vous voulez faire maintenant, est comprise comme le mal. (Comme A) fait la connaissance de Ses commandements et interdictions de notre religion est pour. Chuchotements du diable, les anges sont censés inspiration. Ainsi, la peine serait hasarder à dire légitime.

MuslimVillage.com’s Raidah Shah-Idil chats exclusively with up-and-coming Muslim fashion designer Amalina Aman about her clothing label, dreams and inspirations… Islamic fashion designed by Aussie Muslim designer Amalina Aman. Image provided by Amalina Aman. How did you get started with a career in fashion design? I started to have a passion for fashion at a very young age. When I hit my high school years, I already knew what I wanted to do in my career. I have always loved fashion in everything and all the history behind it. As a young Muslim girl, I really wanted to do something big in Islamic fashion, so my family pushed me to the limit to do what I love the most. I have been studying fashion for four years, and at the moment I’m doing my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Styling and my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design. What inspires your designs? Where do I start? I have so many inspirations! My biggest inspiration is my Nenek, which means grandmother in Malay. She has always loved fashion. I remember watching her sew up clothes for many people. Back when we use stay in Western Australia, in Port Hedland, everything that she did was all self-taught; from making cakes to making clothes. She used to make everything from nothing into something. She also used to dress me up with different outfits when I was a little girl – that’s why I adore her so much! Also, my mother has pushed me so much in life. She would always have this saying, “It’s never too late to live your dream!” I think that without her always pushing me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would always ask for her opinions with all my designs that I do. She has always been there from the start with everything. In addition to Islamic and international fashion influences, I draw on my Cocos and Australian heritage in my designs. As both cultures are an international multicultural mix, it’s not hard to get inspiration. I look at various popular culture influences such as film, television, magazines, as well as nature and my travels locally and internationally. I am inspired by everything, and what I aim to do is hone those inspirations and marry them with my cultural and religious heritages. That’s why I believe my designs are unique & exclusive. I want people to feel the exclusivity of wearing one of my designs, as although they draw on many influences, they are my unique interpretations of those influences. What challenges have you faced in your career? Because my business is home-based, it was a challenge trying to get myself out there and be recognised. What I did was attend a lot of festivals throughout the year with my label. I also headed back to Perth to launch my clothing line, where I was able to network. In Perth, all the word of mouth boosted my business and a lot of people started to wear my fashion and label. It was such a great experience to see how much it grew. In Islamic fashion, everything had to be very modest in what you wear, so alhamdulilah I had that covered. I had to research a lot before I started designing for my collection. I had a lot of different customers, so everyone had different taste in fashion and style. All of my designs would all be individual designs for each person. I always get happy when I get clients and customers telling me different types of fashion that they like to wear. I have always liked a challenge. I like to be different, and I express it through my fashion and design. I’m home-based at the moment, so I sell all my items on Facebook. I’m also working on my webpage and blog. I want to get a little shop inshaAllah sometime this year. What do you enjoy about being a fashion designer? I really love clothes! I love each new style, and all the history behind each style. I get excited when each season comes and I just can’t wait to start designing the next collection. I love getting great feedback from my customers about their purchases. The great thing is they always tell me how good the price and quality of the item is. The best feeling for me is when my customers are happy with what they have bought. It’s thrilling when people start wearing my product, and that’s when I know that alhamdulilah, everything I worked so hard for is happening. I’m so happy that I get to express my passion for fashion. No matter what department or category of the business you work in, if you work in the fashion industry you will live, eat, sleep and breathe fashion, as all the fashonistas say! Tell me more about the Malaysia-based Islamic Fashion Festival to which you have been invited to showcase your work. It was such a great pleasure to get an invitation from them. Words can’t explain the experience and the people that I met. I was the first Australian girl to be invited to the Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF). My show was there alongside the top fashion designer of Malaysia, and all the royalty from Malaysia attended the seven-day show. I met great people and made great friends, and I also have a great photo shoot of all my collection. My theme at IFF was called Oriental Charm and my collection was called Oriental Breeze. I can’t wait to do it again next year. I’m hoping that inshaAllah one-day Australia will have an Islamic fashion show so that all the Islamic fashion designers can showcase their work. Do you have any closing comments? I’m happy to be a Muslimah and I think my journey has just started. I don’t like rushing anything, as I’ve also been the type of girl who likes how everything just falls into place for me. Everything always happens for a reason; so no matter how much you fail, you always have to get back again and try harder. Live your dream because nothing is ever too late! I just can’t wait for my next project that I am working on, so inshaAllah many more Amalina Aman clothing lines will be heading out soon!

MuslimVillage.com’s Raidah Shah-Idil chats exclusively with up-and-coming Muslim fashion designer Amalina Aman about her clothing label, dreams and inspirations… Islamic fashion designed by Aussie Muslim designer Amalina Aman. Image provided by Amalina Aman. How did you get started with a career in fashion design? I started to have a passion for fashion at a very young age. When I hit my high school years, I already knew what I wanted to do in my career. I have always loved fashion in everything and all the history behind it. As a young Muslim girl, I really wanted to do something big in Islamic fashion, so my family pushed me to the limit to do what I love the most. I have been studying fashion for four years, and at the moment I’m doing my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Styling and my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design. What inspires your designs? Where do I start? I have so many inspirations! My biggest inspiration is my Nenek, which means grandmother in Malay. She has always loved fashion. I remember watching her sew up clothes for many people. Back when we use stay in Western Australia, in Port Hedland, everything that she did was all self-taught; from making cakes to making clothes. She used to make everything from nothing into something. She also used to dress me up with different outfits when I was a little girl – that’s why I adore her so much! Also, my mother has pushed me so much in life. She would always have this saying, “It’s never too late to live your dream!” I think that without her always pushing me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would always ask for her opinions with all my designs that I do. She has always been there from the start with everything. In addition to Islamic and international fashion influences, I draw on my Cocos and Australian heritage in my designs. As both cultures are an international multicultural mix, it’s not hard to get inspiration. I look at various popular culture influences such as film, television, magazines, as well as nature and my travels locally and internationally. I am inspired by everything, and what I aim to do is hone those inspirations and marry them with my cultural and religious heritages. That’s why I believe my designs are unique & exclusive. I want people to feel the exclusivity of wearing one of my designs, as although they draw on many influences, they are my unique interpretations of those influences. What challenges have you faced in your career? Because my business is home-based, it was a challenge trying to get myself out there and be recognised. What I did was attend a lot of festivals throughout the year with my label. I also headed back to Perth to launch my clothing line, where I was able to network. In Perth, all the word of mouth boosted my business and a lot of people started to wear my fashion and label. It was such a great experience to see how much it grew. In Islamic fashion, everything had to be very modest in what you wear, so alhamdulilah I had that covered. I had to research a lot before I started designing for my collection. I had a lot of different customers, so everyone had different taste in fashion and style. All of my designs would all be individual designs for each person. I always get happy when I get clients and customers telling me different types of fashion that they like to wear. I have always liked a challenge. I like to be different, and I express it through my fashion and design. I’m home-based at the moment, so I sell all my items on Facebook. I’m also working on my webpage and blog. I want to get a little shop inshaAllah sometime this year. What do you enjoy about being a fashion designer? I really love clothes! I love each new style, and all the history behind each style. I get excited when each season comes and I just can’t wait to start designing the next collection. I love getting great feedback from my customers about their purchases. The great thing is they always tell me how good the price and quality of the item is. The best feeling for me is when my customers are happy with what they have bought. It’s thrilling when people start wearing my product, and that’s when I know that alhamdulilah, everything I worked so hard for is happening. I’m so happy that I get to express my passion for fashion. No matter what department or category of the business you work in, if you work in the fashion industry you will live, eat, sleep and breathe fashion, as all the fashonistas say! Tell me more about the Malaysia-based Islamic Fashion Festival to which you have been invited to showcase your work. It was such a great pleasure to get an invitation from them. Words can’t explain the experience and the people that I met. I was the first Australian girl to be invited to the Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF). My show was there alongside the top fashion designer of Malaysia, and all the royalty from Malaysia attended the seven-day show. I met great people and made great friends, and I also have a great photo shoot of all my collection. My theme at IFF was called Oriental Charm and my collection was called Oriental Breeze. I can’t wait to do it again next year. I’m hoping that inshaAllah one-day Australia will have an Islamic fashion show so that all the Islamic fashion designers can showcase their work. Do you have any closing comments? I’m happy to be a Muslimah and I think my journey has just started. I don’t like rushing anything, as I’ve also been the type of girl who likes how everything just falls into place for me. Everything always happens for a reason; so no matter how much you fail, you always have to get back again and try harder. Live your dream because nothing is ever too late! I just can’t wait for my next project that I am working on, so inshaAllah many more Amalina Aman clothing lines will be heading out soon!


Une fleur, une seule Vous lui faites livrer une fleur, une seule, avec un billet qui dit la partie de son corps que vous voulez caresser, embrasser, et sucer. Pour que le message soit encore plus chaud, il faut lui dire dans quel endroit doit avoir lieu ce petit exercice de plaisir.

No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ************ God didn't promise days without pain, laughter, without sorrow, sun, without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. ************ Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Don't stay on the bumps too long. Move on! ************ When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God has thought of something better to give you. ************ When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. ************ There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard. ************ You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the prson to realize your worth. ************ It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride. ************ We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give. ************ Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take there place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

Il était une fois un roi qui voulait aller à la pêche. Il appelle son météorologue et lui demande l'évolution pour les heures suivantes. Celui-ci le rassure en lui affirmant qu'il pouvait aller Le roi va tranquillement à la pêche car pas de pluie prévue Pour complaire à la reine il met ses plus beaux atours. Sur le chemin, il rencontre un paysan monté sur son âne qui en voyant le roi dit: - «Seigneur mieux vaut que vous rebroussiez chemin car il va beaucoup pleuvoir dans peu de temps." Bien sûr, le roi continue en pensant: - «Comment ce gueux peut-il mieux prévoir le temps que mon spécialiste diplômé grassement payé qui m'a indiqué le contraire. Poursuivons...... " Et c'est ce qu'il fait ... mais il se met bientôt à pleuvoir à torrents. Le roi rentre trempé, la reine se moque de le voir dans un si piteux ét Furieux, le roi revient au palais et congédie illico son météorologue, puis il convoque le paysan lui offrant le poste vacant........ Mais le paysan refuse en ces termes : - «Seigneur, je ne suis pas celui qui comprend quelque chose dans ces affaires de météo et de climat, mais je sais que si les oreilles de mon âne sont baissées cela signifie qu'il va pleuvoir " Et le roi embauche l'âne... C'est ainsi que commença en FRANCE la coutume de recruter des ânes pour les postes de conseillers les mieux payés. C'est depuis ce moment, que fut décidé de créer une école : l'E.N.A. (l'Ecole Nationale des Anes) et ses diplômés, dont nous pouvons mesurer ,tous les jours, les brillantes compétences ....

BLAGUE DU JOUR 1 : Le sondage D'après une enquête sur ce que les hommes pensent des jambes des femmes, 10 % des hommes interrogés préfèrent les jambes fines, 20 % les jambes musclées. Les autres se positionnent entre les deux.

Eye inaudible question: enseignant moderne appelé un, (.. Musique de l'âme est la nourriture et les gens plus près de Dieu sont ces façons d'écouter de la musique ne doit pas négliger, en particulier la musique soufie à écouter est obligatoire Ben musique quand vous écoutez la paix même de l'esprit, je trouve) dit. N'est pas tous les types de musique haram? REPONSE cours de chaque genre de musique est haram rendement ijma. Donc, il n'ya pas de savants islamiques aussi pas légitimes de la musique. Il ya suffisamment d'informations dans le lien ci-dessous: la place de la musique dans la religion il ya une question que personne ne sait. Chaque membre est une tâche distincte. Par exemple, serait yeux pour voir, des oreilles pour entendre, l'amour devient le Kalblin. Pas vice versa. Je vois donc les oreilles, les yeux j'entends, il est faux de dire que j'aime les reins. La musique est interdite, est agréable à notre âme. Poison son âme est écrit dans le lien ci-dessus. Le plaisir de la musique, pas Rahmani, égoïste et mal. Cette condition n'est pas connue (Musique pour moi, c'est rapprocher d'Allah) dit. Haram, auto-agréable et doux revenu. Tout un faciès plus laid que dame ouverte par une femme étrangère qui prend plaisir dans les jambes à regarder. Une femme laide embrassant, embrassant sa belle épouse sont beaucoup plus doux. Ceci est une preuve claire que profiter de la nafs al haram. Écouter de la musique est interdite, les mécréants auraient chatouillé nos âmes. L'âme pauvre ignorant, pensera qu'il aimait. Considérant que l'âme du juste, est tellement malade d'elle. N'importe qui qui apprécie la musique de l'âme est tellement excitée compris. concernant le sujet (de pensées de nos cœurs, des anges, ou s'il s'agissait de Satan, comment dire?) il demandé. Hadrat Muhammad Hadi, il me demande de dire: Allahou ta'ala a vazifelendir un ange pour le cœur de chacun. Cet ange du cœur de l'homme pour inspirer de bonnes pensées; mauvaises pensées viennent de chuchotements de Satan; Si les mauvaises pensées de soi Heva est appelé nafs. Du cœur de comprendre que l'idée est venue, ou non, conformément à l'Islam est cochée. Pensées du coeur, l'âme vient la douleur, n'est pas; le dessert arrive, si vous voulez faire maintenant, est comprise comme le mal. (Comme A) fait la connaissance de Ses commandements et interdictions de notre religion est pour. Chuchotements du diable, les anges sont censés inspiration. Ainsi, la peine serait hasarder à dire légitime.

MuslimVillage.com’s Raidah Shah-Idil chats exclusively with up-and-coming Muslim fashion designer Amalina Aman about her clothing label, dreams and inspirations… Islamic fashion designed by Aussie Muslim designer Amalina Aman. Image provided by Amalina Aman. How did you get started with a career in fashion design? I started to have a passion for fashion at a very young age. When I hit my high school years, I already knew what I wanted to do in my career. I have always loved fashion in everything and all the history behind it. As a young Muslim girl, I really wanted to do something big in Islamic fashion, so my family pushed me to the limit to do what I love the most. I have been studying fashion for four years, and at the moment I’m doing my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Styling and my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design. What inspires your designs? Where do I start? I have so many inspirations! My biggest inspiration is my Nenek, which means grandmother in Malay. She has always loved fashion. I remember watching her sew up clothes for many people. Back when we use stay in Western Australia, in Port Hedland, everything that she did was all self-taught; from making cakes to making clothes. She used to make everything from nothing into something. She also used to dress me up with different outfits when I was a little girl – that’s why I adore her so much! Also, my mother has pushed me so much in life. She would always have this saying, “It’s never too late to live your dream!” I think that without her always pushing me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would always ask for her opinions with all my designs that I do. She has always been there from the start with everything. In addition to Islamic and international fashion influences, I draw on my Cocos and Australian heritage in my designs. As both cultures are an international multicultural mix, it’s not hard to get inspiration. I look at various popular culture influences such as film, television, magazines, as well as nature and my travels locally and internationally. I am inspired by everything, and what I aim to do is hone those inspirations and marry them with my cultural and religious heritages. That’s why I believe my designs are unique & exclusive. I want people to feel the exclusivity of wearing one of my designs, as although they draw on many influences, they are my unique interpretations of those influences. What challenges have you faced in your career? Because my business is home-based, it was a challenge trying to get myself out there and be recognised. What I did was attend a lot of festivals throughout the year with my label. I also headed back to Perth to launch my clothing line, where I was able to network. In Perth, all the word of mouth boosted my business and a lot of people started to wear my fashion and label. It was such a great experience to see how much it grew. In Islamic fashion, everything had to be very modest in what you wear, so alhamdulilah I had that covered. I had to research a lot before I started designing for my collection. I had a lot of different customers, so everyone had different taste in fashion and style. All of my designs would all be individual designs for each person. I always get happy when I get clients and customers telling me different types of fashion that they like to wear. I have always liked a challenge. I like to be different, and I express it through my fashion and design. I’m home-based at the moment, so I sell all my items on Facebook. I’m also working on my webpage and blog. I want to get a little shop inshaAllah sometime this year. What do you enjoy about being a fashion designer? I really love clothes! I love each new style, and all the history behind each style. I get excited when each season comes and I just can’t wait to start designing the next collection. I love getting great feedback from my customers about their purchases. The great thing is they always tell me how good the price and quality of the item is. The best feeling for me is when my customers are happy with what they have bought. It’s thrilling when people start wearing my product, and that’s when I know that alhamdulilah, everything I worked so hard for is happening. I’m so happy that I get to express my passion for fashion. No matter what department or category of the business you work in, if you work in the fashion industry you will live, eat, sleep and breathe fashion, as all the fashonistas say! Tell me more about the Malaysia-based Islamic Fashion Festival to which you have been invited to showcase your work. It was such a great pleasure to get an invitation from them. Words can’t explain the experience and the people that I met. I was the first Australian girl to be invited to the Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF). My show was there alongside the top fashion designer of Malaysia, and all the royalty from Malaysia attended the seven-day show. I met great people and made great friends, and I also have a great photo shoot of all my collection. My theme at IFF was called Oriental Charm and my collection was called Oriental Breeze. I can’t wait to do it again next year. I’m hoping that inshaAllah one-day Australia will have an Islamic fashion show so that all the Islamic fashion designers can showcase their work. Do you have any closing comments? I’m happy to be a Muslimah and I think my journey has just started. I don’t like rushing anything, as I’ve also been the type of girl who likes how everything just falls into place for me. Everything always happens for a reason; so no matter how much you fail, you always have to get back again and try harder. Live your dream because nothing is ever too late! I just can’t wait for my next project that I am working on, so inshaAllah many more Amalina Aman clothing lines will be heading out soon!

MuslimVillage.com’s Raidah Shah-Idil chats exclusively with up-and-coming Muslim fashion designer Amalina Aman about her clothing label, dreams and inspirations… Islamic fashion designed by Aussie Muslim designer Amalina Aman. Image provided by Amalina Aman. How did you get started with a career in fashion design? I started to have a passion for fashion at a very young age. When I hit my high school years, I already knew what I wanted to do in my career. I have always loved fashion in everything and all the history behind it. As a young Muslim girl, I really wanted to do something big in Islamic fashion, so my family pushed me to the limit to do what I love the most. I have been studying fashion for four years, and at the moment I’m doing my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Styling and my Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design. What inspires your designs? Where do I start? I have so many inspirations! My biggest inspiration is my Nenek, which means grandmother in Malay. She has always loved fashion. I remember watching her sew up clothes for many people. Back when we use stay in Western Australia, in Port Hedland, everything that she did was all self-taught; from making cakes to making clothes. She used to make everything from nothing into something. She also used to dress me up with different outfits when I was a little girl – that’s why I adore her so much! Also, my mother has pushed me so much in life. She would always have this saying, “It’s never too late to live your dream!” I think that without her always pushing me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would always ask for her opinions with all my designs that I do. She has always been there from the start with everything. In addition to Islamic and international fashion influences, I draw on my Cocos and Australian heritage in my designs. As both cultures are an international multicultural mix, it’s not hard to get inspiration. I look at various popular culture influences such as film, television, magazines, as well as nature and my travels locally and internationally. I am inspired by everything, and what I aim to do is hone those inspirations and marry them with my cultural and religious heritages. That’s why I believe my designs are unique & exclusive. I want people to feel the exclusivity of wearing one of my designs, as although they draw on many influences, they are my unique interpretations of those influences. What challenges have you faced in your career? Because my business is home-based, it was a challenge trying to get myself out there and be recognised. What I did was attend a lot of festivals throughout the year with my label. I also headed back to Perth to launch my clothing line, where I was able to network. In Perth, all the word of mouth boosted my business and a lot of people started to wear my fashion and label. It was such a great experience to see how much it grew. In Islamic fashion, everything had to be very modest in what you wear, so alhamdulilah I had that covered. I had to research a lot before I started designing for my collection. I had a lot of different customers, so everyone had different taste in fashion and style. All of my designs would all be individual designs for each person. I always get happy when I get clients and customers telling me different types of fashion that they like to wear. I have always liked a challenge. I like to be different, and I express it through my fashion and design. I’m home-based at the moment, so I sell all my items on Facebook. I’m also working on my webpage and blog. I want to get a little shop inshaAllah sometime this year. What do you enjoy about being a fashion designer? I really love clothes! I love each new style, and all the history behind each style. I get excited when each season comes and I just can’t wait to start designing the next collection. I love getting great feedback from my customers about their purchases. The great thing is they always tell me how good the price and quality of the item is. The best feeling for me is when my customers are happy with what they have bought. It’s thrilling when people start wearing my product, and that’s when I know that alhamdulilah, everything I worked so hard for is happening. I’m so happy that I get to express my passion for fashion. No matter what department or category of the business you work in, if you work in the fashion industry you will live, eat, sleep and breathe fashion, as all the fashonistas say! Tell me more about the Malaysia-based Islamic Fashion Festival to which you have been invited to showcase your work. It was such a great pleasure to get an invitation from them. Words can’t explain the experience and the people that I met. I was the first Australian girl to be invited to the Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF). My show was there alongside the top fashion designer of Malaysia, and all the royalty from Malaysia attended the seven-day show. I met great people and made great friends, and I also have a great photo shoot of all my collection. My theme at IFF was called Oriental Charm and my collection was called Oriental Breeze. I can’t wait to do it again next year. I’m hoping that inshaAllah one-day Australia will have an Islamic fashion show so that all the Islamic fashion designers can showcase their work. Do you have any closing comments? I’m happy to be a Muslimah and I think my journey has just started. I don’t like rushing anything, as I’ve also been the type of girl who likes how everything just falls into place for me. Everything always happens for a reason; so no matter how much you fail, you always have to get back again and try harder. Live your dream because nothing is ever too late! I just can’t wait for my next project that I am working on, so inshaAllah many more Amalina Aman clothing lines will be heading out soon!

Ирина Шварц, 12-06-2014 21:03 (ссылка)

Как Путин стал сказочно богатым?

Несколько уважаемых средств массовой информации  - британских, чешских - объявили, что оценивают состояние клана Путина в 130 млрд. фунтов стерлингов, самой дорогой валюты. Возникает вопрос: за 13 лет нахождения у власти каким образом клан Путина, ближайшие его друзья в жизни и родственники приобрели такое громадное состояние?  Это самый богатый клан в мире, и даже наследственные олигархи имеют меньше.

Источник http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMuocaqrgU4&feature=youtu.be

Метки: клан Путина, олигархи

Les femmes savent ce que les hommes ont oub

Claire Boothe Luce Les Femmes CE savent Qué Les Hommes Ont oublie DEPUIS LONGTEMPS:. Que la Base de Toute Économie et de Toute la famille intérêt Civilisation

« C'est quoi être belle attirante et sexy ? »

Brûlante fellation Décidément, c'est la deuxième fois que ça arrive! Un couple s'est blessé sérieusement alors que la femme pratiquait une fellation à son ami. Ça se passe à Bucarest, la capitale de la Roumanie. Voilà... Pendant que sa copine lui pratiquait une fellation, l'homme faisait des crêpes sur le poêle. Dans une réaction jouissive sans doute trop démonstrative, l'homme a renversé de l'huile bouillante sur le dos de sa copine qui, en retour, l'a mordu férocement. Lui, en réaction spontannée, pour se défendre, lui a donné un coup de poèle sur la tête, la blessant encore plus raconte le journal Editie de Oltenia.

f the 'once unique' moves and grinds you made in bed have now turned into 'predictable stuff' for your woman, you better know that you are nearing the point where sex is just a chore and brushing up your tactics is the need of the hour. Its important to understand that 'mystery' holds its own charm between the sheets, but once things are foreseeable, boredom is bound to seep it. So what do you do now? Well, its time to reel back the excitement by reigniting her curiosity with some unique ways to initiate sex. Rather than asking her, why not lure her into a steamy session? Let non-verbal cues take charge of initiating sex in some more surprising ways and you never know what surprises you are offered in return: Cook up to a steamy night There's no better turn-on for a man than the sight of her man trying on his culinary skills only to impress her. So, use your kitchenette to the best of your use. Not only you'll be required to make her favourite dishes, but feeding her yourself will only make it better. All the while she's eating, brush up behind her, caress her and keep planting some kisses. By the time you guys are through with a sumptuous meal, you might just get rewarded with a quickie there on the kitchen counter! Movie date? Not at the theatre this time! Prepare for a movie slumber night in your living room instead. Get things in place. Rent a few romantic and sexy flicks, make her favourite snacks and get some wine. Since, creating the ambience for a sleepover is what we aim at, arranging for a cozy blanket and a few pillows won't be a bad idea. Dress up in your comfy night wear and snuggle up to watch the movie. As the movie runs, start playing with her. Begin with some non-sensual touches and let the magic of sexy scenes take over to make the temperatures soar high. And soon she'll be begging you for some real action. Love games, anyone? If you loved to play board games as kids, playing them now will be all the more exciting for you! We are talking about the adult versions here, where the dress code can be anything from a sassy lingerie to a cool underwear. How about a round of strip poker? While the options available are unlimited, fun and excitement depends upon how sportingly you take every rule of the game. Be it removing a piece of clothing every time you lose, or kissing the area that the winner demands ... you have to say yes to all! Tattoo your love Take it as your chance to put forth your creative skills. Temporary tattoo inks and body paints are easily available in the market. So, become a tattoo artist for her and let her paint you in return. The best bet in this session would be a chance to make a favourite motif on your favourite body part of your partner. And if that demands some skin show and a few touches here and there on that without clothes canvass ... that would just be a mood builder for a steamy night ahead. Nothing sexier than a shower Yes, there's nothing more refreshing than a shower at the end of a tiring day. Add to it your beloved and you bet there can't be anything sexier than that. Begin with a smooth soapy session, followed by some rubbing around her curves... Once through, offer to massage her favourite body lotion to help her relax as you play with sensual movements to leave her begging to be taken to bed. The basic idea it to excite her with subtle hints of the final reward, without asking her to give what you want. Don't focus on tha main act rather arouse her to a pitch where she is ready to melt in your arms.

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Une blonde roule sur l'autoroute avec sa nouvelle Ferrari. Elle se fait arrêter par un gendarme. Il lui demande: - Mais madame, pourquoi vous ne roulez que à 20km/h? Et la blonde répond: - C'est parce que sur le panneau il y a marqué A20. Alors le gendarme lui répond : - Mais madame ça c'est le numéro de la route. La blonde dit: - Ah bon ! Le gendarme regarde du côté passager de la voiture et en remarquant la tête de la passagère, il dit à la blonde : - Mais dites donc, elle n' a pas l'air d'aller bien votre copine brune à côté ! Et la blonde répond: - Ah ça doit être parce que qu'on vient de quitter l' A313.

BLAGUE DU JOUR 1 : Le rapport Un professeur de zoologie a trois assistants: un Allemand, un Français et un Israélien. Il demande à chacun de faire un rapport sur un troupeau d'éléphant. L'allemand rend son rapport au bout d'une semaine, il fait 150 pages et s'intitule: L'ORGANISATION CHEZ LES ÉLÉPHANTS Le Français se contente d'un rapport de 30 pages, photos comprises, intitulé LE SEXE CHEZ LES ÉLÉPHANTS. L'Israélien revient au bout de trois mois, et rend un rapport de 5000 pages dont le titre est: LES ÉLÉPHANTS ET LE PROBLÈME PALESTINIEN

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Should he fast on the fifteenth of Sha’baan even if the hadeeth is da'eef? arfrurzhugesidtr Is it permissible, even after finding out that a hadeeth is da’eef (weak), to follow it, by way of doing righteous deeds? The hadeeth says: “When it is halfway through Sha’baan, spend that night in prayer and fast on that day.” The fast is observed as a voluntary act of devotion to Allaah, as is spending that night in prayer (qiyaam al-layl). Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: What is narrated concerning the virtue of praying, fasting and worshipping on the fifteenth of Sha’baan (al-nusf min Sha’baan) does not come under the heading of da’eef (weak), rather it comes under the heading of mawdoo’ (fabricated) and baatil (false). So it is not permissible to follow it or to act upon it, whether that is in doing righteous deeds or otherwise. A number of scholars ruled that the reports concerning that were false, such as Ibn al-Jawzi in his book al-Mawdoo’aat, 2/440-445; Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah in al-Manaar al-Muneef, no. 174- 177; Abu Shaamah al-Shaafa’i in al-Baa’ith ‘ala Inkaar al-Bida’ wa’l-Hawaadith, 124-137; al-‘Iraaqi in Takhreej Ihyaa’ ‘Uloom il-Deen, no. 582. Shaykh al-Islam [Ibn Taymiyah] narrated that there was consensus on the fact that they are false, in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 28/138. Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Hukm al-Ihtifaal bi Laylat al-Nusf min Sha’baan (Ruling on celebrating the fifteenth of Sha’baan): Celebrating the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan (Laylat al-Nusf min Sha’baan) by praying etc, or singling out this day for fasting, is a reprehensible bid’ah (innovation) according to the majority of scholars, and there is no basis for this in sharee’ah. And he (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: There is no saheeh hadeeth concerning the night of the fifteenth of Sha’baan (Laylat al-Nusf min Sha’baan). All the ahaadeeth that have been narrated concerning that are mawdoo’ (fabricated) and da’eef (weak), and have no basis. There is nothing special about this night, and no recitation of Qur’aan or prayer, whether alone or in congregation, is specified for this night. What some of the scholars have said about it being special is a weak opinion. It is not permissible to single it out for any special actions. This is the correct view. And Allaah is the Source of strength. Fataawa Islamiyyah, 4/511. See also question no. 8907. Secondly: Even if we assume that the hadeeth is da’eef (weak) and not mawdoo’ (fabricated), the correct scholarly view is that weak ahaadeeth should not be followed at all, even if they speak of righteous deeds or of targheeb and tarheeb (promises and warnings). The saheeh reports are sufficient and the Muslim has no need to follow the da’eef reports. Nothing is known in Islam to suggest that this night or day is special, either from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or from his companions. The scholar Ahmad Shaakir said: There is no difference between rulings or righteous deeds; we do not take any of them from da’eef reports, rather no one hast he right to use any report as evidence unless it is proven to be soundly narrated from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in a saheeh or hasan hadeeth. Al-Baa’ith al-Hatheeth, 1/278. For more information, see: al-Qawl al-Muneef fi Hukm al-‘Aml bi’l-Hadeeth al-Da’eef. See also the answer to question no. 44877. And Allaah knows best.


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The prohibition on fasting in the second half of Sha’baan arfrurzhesid Is it permissible to fast after halfway through Sha’baan? Because I heard that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade fasting after halfway through Sha’baan Praise be to Allaah. Abu Dawood (3237), al-Tirmidhi (738) and Ibn Naajah (1651) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Sha’baan is half over, do not fast.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 590. This hadeeth indicates that it is not allowed to fast after halfway through Sha’baan, i.e., starting from the sixteenth day of the month. But there are reports that indicate that it is permissible to fast at this time. For example: Al-Bukhaari (1914) and Muslim (1082) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not anticipate Ramadaan by fasting one or two days before it begins, but if a man habitually fasts, then let him fast.” This indicates that fasting after halfway through Sha’baan is permissible for someone who has the habit of fasting, such as a man who regularly fasts on Mondays and Thursdays, or who fasts alternate days, and the like. Al-Bukhaari (1970) and Muslim (1156) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to fast all of Sha’baan, he used to fast Sha’baan except a few days.” This version was narrated by Muslim. Al-Nawawi said: In the words, “He used to fast all of Sha’baan, he used to fast Sha’baan except a few days” the second phrase explains the first, and indicates that the word “all” means “most of”. This hadeeth indicates that it is permissible to fast after halfway through Sha’baan, but only for those who are continuing after fasting before halfway through the month. The Shaafa’is followed all of these ahaadeeth and said: It is not permissible to fast after halfway through Sha’baan except for those who have a habitual pattern of fasting, or who are continuing after fasting before halfway through the month. According to most of the scholars, the prohibition here means that it is haraam. See al-Majmoo’, 6/399-400; Fath al-Baari, 4/129 Some, such as al-Ruyaani, suggested that the prohibition here is to be understood as meaning that it is makrooh, not haraam. Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Riyaadh al-Saaliheen (p. 412): “Chapter on the prohibition on anticipating Ramadaan by fasting after halfway through Sha’baan, except for one who is continuing after fasting before halfway through the month or who has a regular pattern of fasting such as fasting on Mondays and Thursdays”. The majority of scholars are of the view that the hadeeth which forbids fasting after halfway through Sha’baan is da’eef (weak), and based on that they said that it is not makrooh to fast after halfway through Sha’baan. Al-Haafiz said: The majority of scholars said that it is permissible to observe voluntary fasts after halfway through Sha’baan and they regarded the hadeeth concerning that as da’eef. Ahmad and Ibn Ma’een said that it is munkar. (From Fath al-Baari). Among those who classed it as da’eef were al-Bayhaqi and al-Tahhaawi. Ibn Qudaamah said in al-Mughni that Imam Ahmad said concerning this hadeeth: It is not sound. We asked ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Mahdi about it and he did not class it as saheeh, and he did not narrate it to me. He used to avoid talking about this hadeeth. Ahmad said: al-‘Ala’ is thiqah and none of his ahaadeeth are regarded as munkar apart from this one. The al-‘Ala’ referred to here is al-‘Ala’ ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan who narrated this hadeeth from his father from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him). Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) responded in Tahdheeb al-Sunan to those who classed this hadeeth as da’eef and said that this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim. Even though al-‘Ala’ is the only one who narrated this hadeeth, that is not regarded as detrimental to the hadeeth, because al-‘Ala’ is thiqah; in his Saheeh, Muslim narrated a number of ahaadeeth from him, from his father from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him). Many Sunnahs are narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) only through one person who is thiqah, but they have been accepted and followed by the ummah. Then he said: With regard to those who think that there is a contradiction between this hadeeth and the ahaadeeth which speak of fasting in Sha’baan, there is no contradiction. Those ahaadeeth speak of fasting half of it along with the previous half, and of habitual fasting during the second half of the month, whereas the hadeeth of al-‘Ala’ speaks of the prohibition on fasting deliberately only after the month is halfway over, not about fasts that a person observes regularly or that are a continuation after fasting during the first part of the month. Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about the hadeeth which says that fasting after halfway through Sha’baan is not allowed. He said: This is a saheeh hadeeth as Shaykh Naasir al-Deen al-Albaani said. What is meant is that it is not allowed to start fasting after halfway through the month. But if a person fasts most or all of the month, then he is following the Sunnah. Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 15/385). Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in his commentary on Riyaadh al-Saaliheen (3/394): Even if the hadeeth is saheeh, the prohibition in it does not mean that this is haraam, rather it is simply makrooh, as some of the scholars have understood it to mean. But whoever has the habit of fasting regularly should fast, even if it is after halfway through Sha’baan. In conclusion: It is not allowed to fast during the second half of Sha’baan, and that is either makrooh or haraam, except for the one who has the habit of fasting regularly or who is continuing after fasting during the first half of Sha’baan. And Allaah knows best. The reason for this prohibition is that continually fasting may make a person too weak to fast in Ramadaan. If it is said that if he fasts from the beginning of the month he will become even weaker, the response is that whoever fasts from the beginning of Sha’baan will have gotten used to fasting so it will be less difficult for him to fast. Al-Qaari said: The prohibition here means that it is disliked, as a mercy to this ummah lest they become too weak to fulfil their duty of fasting during Ramadaan in an energetic fashion. But those who fast all of Sha’baan will become used to fasting so it will not be difficult for them. And Allaah knows best.

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