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Поездка в Мюстер (Muestair)

Поездка в монастырь св.Иоанна Крестителя в Мюстере (Швейцария), см. [ссылка]. Цитата с сайта монастыря (открыт около 800 г. н.э.): Of great importance are the largest early medieval cycle of wall paintings, originating in the 9th century, as well as the romanesque imagery from the 12th/13th century in the church. Very impressive is the face of the oldest, once colorfully painted, [ссылка] statue of Charlemagne. The Planta tower, dating from 957 AD, is supposed to be the oldest secular building still standing in the entire Alps. The nunnery of Muestair is a witness to the blooming of Christian culture around 800 AD. It is a part of humanity's cultural heritage across time, in short: it is a UNESCO world heritage site.

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