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Ivan M, 01-06-2009 03:12 (ссылка)


Today is June the first – not only the first day of summer coming, but also Children’s day. When I imagine a child, I see the sun, the river running, ice cream, chocolate, milk… I hear their ringing laugh. And I can’t separate one from another. I seem to see big trees touching the sky and feel the world around full of life. It’s like lying on the hay…. It’s time of a song. It’s time of a dream – fairytale like Santa Clause, Snow White and The Seven Dwarves….. Everything is so big, whereas you are so small –and so interested in that new mysterious world opening to you. It’s time when you are going to dream and live for ever.

I want to wish every child a lot of fun, smiles, kisses, toys, sweets -  happiness. May they always be open to this world. And may the world be open to them. May they bring a piece of love to every heart and make the world a bit better place to live in.

I don’t think any child reads this community. So, in case you have a child or some, just make this day special to them, give them a gift or do something funny.


Alexander Pup, 19-05-2009 20:03 (ссылка)

Your eyes are beautiful!

In a tragic story, a man appearing to be under the influence of PCP reacted in a psychotic manner which lead to a series of bizarre events including the man biting out the eyeballs of his 4 year old son.

The boy, Angelo Jr., was found shortly after neighbors saw his father nervously fleeing his apartment. Naked and bleeding the boy was taken to the hospital. Angelo told the doctors that "My daddy ate my eyes out." Neither eye could be saved.

Angelo Sr. wheeled himself to a vacant yard. He left his wheelchair and crawled to the backyard where he found an axe. He then took that ax and begun hacking at his legs. The ax was wrestled away by a civilian. The child is now in custody of Child Protective Services.

(The link to the original post)

Метки: Deadly in Itself

Анна Кушнир, 07-01-2009 18:03 (ссылка)

such a relief...

Well, I'm a bit out of the Christmas mood...just want to share a thought.
It's such a relief to realize that i'm not the only one who mishear the lyrics of English songs (..and sometimes even Russian ones..) The moral of this video is that pronunciation is very important! I remember good old days in Ped University when we tried to remember new English words, pronuoncing them in Russian, like "пронунсиатион". That's what one shouldn't do...now I understand. Enjoy the video!

настроение: Задумчивое
слушаю: jazz

Метки: funny; deadly music, Deadly Video

Андрей не И, 23-02-2009 23:29 (ссылка)

The Crying Antony

Check this out, guys. I picked this up in a FNAC shop my attention drawn by a fancy album cover. Then my major concern was to figure out who the singer is... a guy or a girl... Seems that this is a guy...

Photo: Don Felix Cervantes

Here is the first song from their The Crying Light album. Internet is not a proper place for this type of music, nevertheless, listen

Метки: deadly music

Андрей не И, 31-12-2009 02:45 (ссылка)

A Midnight New Year Heavy Trash Special

A Happy New Year to Everybody!

I have found this tape (not a tape, really - a CD, but "tape" sounds more Hitchcock style) in a music store under "Hard and Heavy" label (which normally marks music you do not appreciate). Placed amidst metal bands by mistake these guys look quite dead and are definitely worth posting

Enjoy your next night out (or in - this really does not matter since you have all accessories required)

Here is a nice one to shake your bones on this new year's eve

It's a cover (of a Delores LaVern Baker song) though, but bumble bees have stripes just like tigers!

WTF!  ]

Метки: deadly music, Deadly Congratulations

Андрей не И, 11-08-2009 22:17 (ссылка)

New album of the deadest musician alive

This man should have been dead long ago, but he's recently released a new album instead.

I am not much of an Iggy fan - never listened a lot to The Stooges or solo albums. His garage rock seemed lacking melody, superfluously rough and ideas - too simple. (Of course except for In the death car hit written together with Goran Bregovic, who in fact wrote the music part).

In his new, quieter, album Iggy Pop sounds sometimes like slightly psychedelic Leonard Coen (Coen himself is psychedelic enough though):

He uses French singing song of Jacques Prévert and Joseph Kosma, his voice contains the real tenderness in Antonio Carlos Jobim's How Insensitive, real love and sorrow in A Machine For Loving - a narration about a death of a dog. There is cabaret, blues, chanson, electroclash on this record. Still the old Iguana knows his ways and comes back to the old style:

I could have called this the perfect record of a dead person.

P.S. The tracks, of course and as always, are carefully selected to match the deadly atmosphere of our community.

Метки: deadly music

Alexander Pup, 16-03-2009 14:19 (ссылка)


What do you think of this ... hmm. ... idiocy. Oops, I'm going to be condemned for using such a word. Seriously, famine is thriving, and what the f ... are they doing?

Метки: Morbid Philosophy, Deadly in Itself

Ivan M, 01-01-2009 21:08 (ссылка)


Hello everyone. I hope you are enjoying your holidays. So am I. It’s merry days. Everybody makes plans for the whole year. Someone wants to try back his life. And someone hopes to fulfil things he couldn’t do last year. Perhaps he will or not.  Honestly, it doesn’t matter, because your life goes on anyway. It is essential. And you always have a chance or hope to change it for the better as long as you live.

Ok. What am I talking it for? There was something happened to me. Not now. Some time ago. A long story which doesn’t need discussing. I only say it had a good end. So, today I got a wish by chance to philosophize about everything.

I know one British photographer - Sam Taylor-Wood. She created a great work of crying men. Actually I prefer to see and chat with girls. Not men. But this case is outstanding. I was impressed by it. I’d like to share it with you.

While looking it through, please try to answer some questions:

1)Does a man have the right to cry?

2)Does it make him weak in his or woman’s opinion?

3)Is there anyone crying insincerely?

Well, you don’t have to answer these questions here - only you wish. Just answer them to yourself.

Benicio del Toro

Willem Dafoe

Robert Downey Jr.

Daniel Craig

Dustin Hoffman

Ed Harris

Forest Whitaker

Gabriel Byrne

Hayden Christiansen

Jude Law

Kris Kristofferson

Laurence Fishburne

Michael Madsen

Paul Newman

Michael Pitt

Robin Williams

Tim Roth

Ryan Gosling

Sean Penn

Steve Buscemi

Ben Stiller

Woody Harrelson

Метки: Morbid Philosophy, Deadly Faces

Андрей не И, 13-09-2008 03:34 (ссылка)

Suicide repeated (Deadly as Hell)

I've posted this sometime someday somewhere, but I think it suits here better
Bobby Gaylor, Suicide
Animals don't have a choice.
If they're not happy with their place in the world... too bad.
They have to live the life they've been given.
Humans, on the other hand, don't have to.
We have a choice.
If you don't like your place in the world, you can get off anytime you want.
Suicide. That's right.
You don't like the way your life's going,
you don't like the way you are in the world,
anything around you, you can check out anytime you like.
Animals aren't allowed that thought
and believe me, if they were, they would use it.
There'd be a lot of dogs and cats, owned by assholes
that live in high-rises, diving out the windows.
Zebras... if they even had remotely that thought
would take a look at themselves and go, "What the F*#K!"
Black & white in a green & brown world... this blows.
I'm just gonna jump in the river....
I don't have a thumb to work a gun or hold a knife
or even open a jar of pills.
I'm just gonna dive into the next lion's mouth.
Why even bother?"
Now, monkeys have the opposable thumb
so they could kinda do it the exact same way we do.
Now, there's a bunch of people that say,
"Oh, it's against the law".
Well, it's only against the law if you do a crappy job and get caught.
Other people say, "Oh, we should save them".
Yeah, well you know what?
Not everybody wants to be saved.
Not everybody should be saved.
And who are we to force our will upon them?
I mean, isn't that one of the joys about being a human?
Freedom of choice?
Now, it's not all bad.
Now, I'm not saying "Kill yourself".
But if you're gonna be an idiot and do it anyway,
it's no sweat off of my back.
There's a lot of good that could come from it.
A little bit of bad thrown in.

Some of the things:
A job will open...
An apartment will become available...
There'll be more air for me...
They say there's two girls for every guy - if you're a man, there'll be four chicks for me...
There'll be more Ketel One vodka for me...
There'll be one less idiot in line at the bank who gets up to the window without their F*#King slips filled out...
I won't ever have to go to the store to buy my favorite Salt & Vinegar Chips and have the clerk point at you and say, "They bought the last bag"....
You won't help change the McDonald's sign to a Hundred Billion Served...
You'll never get AIDS...
You won't have to worry about calories ever...
No more, "Hey, does this make me look fat?"...
There'll be one less polluting human...
You won't have to recycle... There'll be one less car on the road...
There'll be more Ring Dings for me...
Fifty or so chickens' lives will be spared...
Your fingers won't ever get red from eating pistachios...
You won't be forced to visit your Grandparents on Sundays anymore...
No more church...
You'll be saying, "Hey, World - Kiss My A$$!"...
No more wet dreams about Supermodels...
No more Barry Manilow... Not for a few years anyway...
Wondering "Am I a loser?" will be a thing of the past...
Say good-bye to crappy Xmas presents from Aunts and Uncles...
You won't have to suffer through a Motley Crue reunion...
F*#K flossing and brushing...
You'll never lose sleep over a pregnancy scare...
Adios, Acne...
Worrying whether you fit in or not won't be on your brain...
See ya later, homework...
You'll never have to sit through another movie brought to you by the creators of South Park...
School's out forever....
No more paying bills...
You won't have to do chores...

You won't be able to run over toads with the lawnmower though...
You'll also miss McDonald's French Fries...
Bugs Bunny...
The amazing electrifying feeling that surges through your body when you kiss someone for the first time...
You won't be able to watch the letterbox director's cut of Jaws...
Living above ground...
Pudding crust...
You'll miss the rush of getting your first apartment...
Getting to the point in your life where you can tell your parents to
"F*#K Off! I gotta make my own mistakes, you did"...
You'll miss sex - you'll miss thinking about it, looking for it,
sex by yourself, sex with a partner, sex with multiple partners...
No more summer nights that seem to go on forever...
Roller coasters....
Naming your kid the name you always wanted...
Making a difference in the world...
You'll miss the experience and pleasure of Hallucinogenics...
Watching your neighbor's wife change clothes with her blinds open...
A lifetime of masturbating...
Watching your favorite team sweep the series...
Music, you will definitely miss music...
Trying to sneak into your house drunk - three hours past your curfew...
You'll miss the blaze and glory of the 4th of July fireworks...
The taste of Captain Crunch...
If you're a boy, you'll miss the feeling the first time you reach up a girl's shirt...
If you're a girl, the feeling the first time you reach down a boy's pants...
You'll miss your favorite coat...
Waffles with whipped cream and strawberries...
Beating your friends at video games...
You won't be around to see what shape and color the new marshmallow in Lucky Charms will be...
You'll miss the feeling you get when reminiscing about your first love - thirty years after the fact...
The joy of giving and receiving at Christmas...
Skinny dipping...
Getting stoned, reading Green Eggs & Ham, and eating like a horse that got loose in the grain bin...
Flying cars...

Hey, you were born, finish what you started!

Метки: Morbid Philosophy, Deadly Wisdom, Deadly Links, deadly music

Alexander Pup, 01-03-2009 13:43 (ссылка)

Deadly Cryogenics - KeiferMedvedev

Before the presidency "Agility is my forte"

After the presidency "Throat doesn't work anymore. But I still can smile a lil' bit"

Метки: Deadly Cryogenics

Alexander Pup, 18-08-2009 17:56 (ссылка)

We all have to go ... some even know when

Wheel-chair bound Australian man Christian Rossiter has won the right to die in an Australian court. The court ruled that Rossiter's carers would not be persecuted if they stopped feeding and hydrating him as per his wishes.

In a written statement, Rossiter described his life as a "living hell" and also said that he has "no fear of death - just pain. I only fear pain." Judge Wayne Martin, Western Australia's highest judge, deemed Rossiter capable of his decision.
A legal precedent has now been set in Australia, where those who assist in someone's death usually face life imprisonment.

Are you happy for the man?

Метки: deadly news, Morbid Philosophy, Deadly in Itself

Alexander Pup, 07-03-2009 21:41 (ссылка)

Dear Deadly Fairies

Dear Deadly Vamps of the Deadly English Community,
From the bottom of my worm-eaten barely functional heart, I’d like to sincerely congratulate you on being the best and by far the most beautiful part of the humankind. Thanks to you we, men, are born and fed till we are 21 or in some cases 10 years older than that.
Thanks for "turning our necks" and breaking our hearts. Thanks for being so kind and generous, for making us think twice, for giving useful advice and sometimes … head.
Ladies, I wish you happiness, success and in case the end is near, a fast and painless escape.
I love you, all. And here's my flower

Метки: Deadly Congratulations

Андрей не И, 17-09-2009 21:26 (ссылка)

Separated by Birth

These are two sisters from the States I came across quite accidentally.

Now I am a happy owner of their two albums. "Separated by birth" is one of them. The other is called "What's in the Box?". And in this box we find tiny small masterpieces, no longer than 3-4 min each. I would have posted here all of them, but can't wait sharing with readers of this deadly community. Here are the first three tracks containing

sweet grandaddy loving girls

some touching story

something on a more global topic


Quite sad news can be found on their official site: Kim and Zoe are now focused on their solo carrees. Let's see.

P.S. Vermillion Lies is based in Oakland, CA, tours in a bio-diesel van, and uses recycled packaging printed with vegetable inks.

Метки: deadly music

Alexander Pup, 12-04-2009 16:30 (ссылка)

Joke of the Day

A married couple both lost their jobs at the broom factory, and were having a hard time finding new jobs. Unfortunately, their mounting credit card debt required some immediate income.
The wife suggested that she could whore herself out, but her husband was a little less than thrilled about the prospect.
But financial necessities got the best of her, and she went behind her husband's back to go whoring.
She came back one night with a huge wad of cash, and fessed up to her hubby.
He was upset, but asked how much she made.
"$398.10," she said.
"$398.10?" "Who in the hell paid ten cents?" he asked.

Метки: Deadly Fun

Андрей не И, 05-04-2009 22:36 (ссылка)

Two or Three English Things

1. We all know that having two separate taps and mixing water in the sink to wash hands is a good old English tradition. I visited England recently and was so much amazed by an enigma device in Birmingham airport toilet, that I could not help taking a picture of it. What the hell they are using it for? If it is what I am thinking of it must be damn unhygienic.

2. And now something completely different (c). Here is a new book of a good English writer, which (the book) I bought to make my English trip more English. This Barnes is a good writer indeed, if you haven't read him yet, you have to take my word for it. This is the slightly deadly book cover.

3. And finally, a song of the most British band on Earth - The Kinks!

It is a live version of live part of Everybody's In Showbiz album and has slightly different lyrics than those you can find on Mushwell Hillbillies album. In my opinion these lyrics are more close to life.

P.S. The first printed words I read having landed in England (when I was passing from airplane to airport) were in a newspaper headline and were something like "ACCIDENT KILLS MAN HOURS AFTER MARRIAGE". What a lucky guy.

Метки: deadly music, Deadly Pictures, deadly books

Ivan M, 01-03-2009 18:28 (ссылка)

PROBLEM OF MAN'S LOYALTY (its sorting out)

No doubt, every woman is eager for her own knight in shining armour. Actually, that prince could be without his heavy stinky accessories. To tell the truth, it is almost never possible to keep that piece of iron sweet-smelling while getting through dense forests, deep stinky bogs, dry deserts, myriad of dragons etc as far as the ultimate point of destination, or rather – the princess.

So, it is worth taking armour off before coming to the princess’s notice. Also, it is worth in advance finding a stall for the white horse – not white yet – remember deserts, bogs….?

So, eventually we get the prince dressed only in trunks and possessing a diversity of virtues. If not – I mean his merits, not trunks, because not having the former thing may turn out, in some cases, the great advantage for starters – he should not have started his journey at all. To return to the previous thing, the prince must be endowed with a large number of virtues or assets such as factories, flats in New-York, Moscow, Tokyo…, bank accounts full of foreign currency, posh cars etc.

As for human merits, the prince, first of all, must be loyal. This virtue seems to be ever so rare even among knights in shining armour. If you were lucky to find one, you don’t need to read further. The other princesses may as well learn how to have their princes protected against…..not dragons or awful monsters……against other princesses still waiting for heroes. Actually, it is the most cunning dangerous enemy to have. So, the poor prince must be protected for the sake of…..ahem…..himself (not his assets mentioned above). There is a means of protection, the name of which I don’t know and hope won’t know.

To have perfect defence, dear princesses, you should use that gadget – the high-technology gadget made in Japan – the moment that you see your prince with or without his trunks. On top of that, under no circumstances is the prince allowed to take it off.

This gadget has a mass of advantages. It not only guarantees your prince’s loyalty, but also makes you both more conspicuous whenever you come.

P.S. This article was written due to one princess’s special order.  No princess has been able to compel me to wear such an awful thing and won’t

Метки: Deadly Armour

Alexander Pup, 26-02-2009 21:59 (ссылка)

Who is this?

And who the hell is this guy?

OK, we all of us use or used to use his creation.

Метки: Deadly Pictures, Deadly Faces

Alexander Pup, 18-09-2008 22:24 (ссылка)

Enboost.ucoz.ru - I Spammer

  "Спам реклама на Deadly English".
 At last, I've finished designing the site I've dreaming of for centuries. I invite you, people, to be my guests and moderators. Let's BOOST our Englishes using less net TRAFFIC. http://enboost.ucoz.ru/

Метки: Deadly Links

Alexander Pup, 07-01-2009 23:02 (ссылка)

People... be warned!

Prevention is better than cure. And in this case there'll be no cure at all. So watch sensibly. You can even jot down some vitally important and crucial recommendations!

Метки: Deadly Video, Morbid Philosophy, Deadly in Itself

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