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Andrew Drazdik Jr, 02-06-2018 22:29 (ссылка)

Fraud Investigator service to Investors (Return on Equity)

Корпоративная ответственность, когда закон о страховании проверяется
внутри сотрудника, предполагает целостность сотрудника. Внешние аудиторы
финансовых отчетов могут далее отрицать или утверждать правонарушения или
сотрудников. Когда торговые ассоциации, которые проводят аудит оборотного
капитала, могут также предлагать этические мнения о финансовом контроле,
которые проверяют ответственность, которая имеет преступное намерение, 
ответственность может быть правильно понята. Корпоративная ответственность, а
также ответственность инвесторов могут основываться на справедливой деловой
практике и корпоративной социальной ответственности корпорации и этическом
поведении. (translated by Google Inc., translate)

English Transcript: Corporate liability when insurance law is proven by inside employee assumes the integrity of the employee. External auditors of financial statements can further deny or affirm
wrongdoing, or employees.  When trade associations that audit working capital may also offer ethical opinions of the financial controls that verify liability that has criminal intent the liability
can be properly understood.  Corporate liability, and Investor liability then can rely on the fair business practice and corporate social responsibility of the corporation and ethicalconduct.  

Financial Reporting, Fraud, Audit Review

Professional Credentialing Trade Associations:

American Accounting Association (AAA); http://aaahq.org/

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA); http://www.aicpa.org/

Financial Executives International (FEI)​; http://www.financialexecutives.org/

Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA); http://www.imanet.org/

Institute of Management Accountants [IMA]); http://www.theiia.org/

Budget Financials:

Overhead (business), Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

   Cross Ref. Cost Center (business). Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

   Cross Ref. Investment Center. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

Operating Expense. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

Theory of Constraints: Project Management. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

Critical Chain Project Management. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

Cross Ref.  
26 U.S. Code § 6103 Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information (i) Disclosure 
to Federal officers or employees for administration of Federal laws not relating to tax administration

“inspected” and “inspection” mean any examination of a return or return information, [26 U.S. Code § 6103(b)(7)], [“return information” means as stated 26 U.S. Code § 6103(b)(2)]

Office of the United States Trade Representative
600 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20508

19 USC § 2152. Advice from executive departments and other sources

19 USC § 2155. Information and advice from private and public sectors

Trade Representative, [19 USC § 2411(d)(8) The term “Trade Representative” means the United States Trade Representative.]

Information...advice submitted in confidence...[19 U.S. Code § 1509(g)(1)For purposes of this subsection, the term “information” means any record, statement, declaration, document, or electronically stored or
transmitted information or data referred to in subsection.]

Case of Corporate Liability: Theft, Fraud, Espionage. Impact on Investor Equity 

Talhiya Sheikh*, Intern, SMEs Division, WIPO. Trade Secrets
and Employee Loyalty. WIPO. PDF and Internet

Corporate Liability. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

Operating Expense. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018

    Cross Ref. Working Capital: Working Capital Management. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018
--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_capital#Working_capital_management

    Cross Ref. Return on Equity. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. retrieved from internet 2018
--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_on_equity

attorney fees and legal fees (civil lawsuit costs)
utilities, such as telephone (Wrongful disclosure)
insurance (Workers Compensation, Cyber security, Corporate Espionage physical loss)

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 17-02-2017 08:21 (ссылка)

Тема: Русский investments гражданина в Walt Disney Co.

Hayao Miyazaki as the writer (Spirited Away (2001), could review his works and notes when those historical judgements of such beleifs to consider his position on folklore, and as expert opinion as a director for walt Disney Co., and all affiliated business by contract.  
East Asian culture is a ethno genesis of thought, ideas, and what the societies that have common epistmic closure call culture. The common cultures of East Asia have common philosophy and ideology that people in those cultures would obey and have as their moral and ethical convictions are learned from birth that knowledge is the walls that protect them and their people. The science fiction of society and culture has concepts and plots which offer the audience how the knowledge is learned and obeyed. 

My experience in Japan as a cultural investigator involved the language, arts, and people by their experiences in business and family life. The Japanese culture similar to China, which the language is a child language, has many cultural aspects. I made many friends and aquintances in Japan who some were Chinese and other East Asian ethinc cultures. I appreciated them and the culture as a scholar and an investigator, however my works were not the scope of my job and were never published or finished. (at the time 1997-1998 as an intern of chemical sciences in the Tokyo Kanto area of Japan)  

I befriended an aquintance once who was learning as a student in their lack of knowledge of the arts of setoku or ceramics. They were under the guidance of a type of learning which guilded professions are common in Japan and China, however this was from a Catholic School of higher education in Pennsylvania. 
I did not know what the objective of the final art or their education would be, but I believed in them in a person of society and their family. Their involved nature as a student was as any other student which the innocence of un learned member of society would seek to obtain and obey the principles of knowledge. 

I enjoyed them as a friend, and sent them a present of a necklace with their nickname (Japanese: Adana) in a hand made box. 

People in society and the culture which allows all people to involve questions our common place in culture that society begs those cultural aspects to what affect those aspects will have on the individual morals and sociology ethics. 

Can friendship be a religion, as a socio economic activity which society places on the people to maintain the order of epistemic closure in society? 

For me it is only a vow, or pledge of personal alligence, but to an officer and that sociological duty I am sure it is an oath. An oath to a fraternity of the order by its sociological dogma or doctrine that all people can be friends in peace and order.

Ideas are valuable as the idea is practical in a socio economic enviornonment. When ideas are expressed the innate ability transformes by empirical worth in response to the environment which the practically offers the most benefit. How much the ideas can be worth then must be weighed, or judged, in a market with other ideas. This process offers the market place a value system of intellectual property for idea generation and material value in physical form by copyright. 

The ideas sharing market, and competitive price of the intellectual property under fair combinations of business to business and overall net worth, when these trade secrets are involved must have legal oblibations in contracts as the intellectual property is witnessed in the market, corporate competative buying and underwriting, and all other micro economic involved parties. 


Investopedia. Investing. Market Value Vs Book Value. internet 

Investopedia. Terms: Price to Book Ratio. internet 

Investopedia. Terms: Trade Secret. internet 

Investopedia. Terms: Industrial Espionage. internet 

Works Citied:

Hayao Miyazaki (I) : Spirited Away (2001)

Marks, Gary; Miller, Norman (1987). "Ten years of research on the false-consensus effect: An empirical and theoretical review". Psychological Bulletin. 102 (1): 72–90. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.102.1.72  

Epistemic Closure. Wikipedia Encylcopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2017 

False Consensus Effect. Wikipedia Encylcopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2017 

Folklore. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2017  https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...;

Additional Works of interest and Characters:

IMdb Inc. 12th Star Clone (Character), from El atlas de las nubes (2012). internet 

IMdb Inc. Sonmi-451 (Character), from El atlas de las nubes (2012). internet

IMdb Inc. Company Credits, from El atlas de las nubes (2012). internet 

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 12-02-2017 05:27 (ссылка)

Federal Open Market Committee (United States)

Ответственность ставится под сомнение, что и как лучшие знания, причины, и информация используется в комитетах Конгресса разведки. Кто наш лучший союзника оценить подотчетность? Является ли ответственность вопрос о гражданстве в наших альянсов, безусловно. Граждане в нашей глобальной экономике, которые разделяют общие интерес, что знания и информация, которая включает в себя участие их суверенитет будет иметь Intergrity, а природа, которая находится в пределах внешней политики, которая их гражданство чествовали при взаимном учете этих прав в экономической Endevor Соединенных Штатов.

Не следует ли этос народной воли гражданством пригласить людей как граждан в братстве этого союза? Общая цель гражданства быть мотивом что землячество, который enstills доверие, должны также способствовать честности и целостности для обмена информацией в reasonsable смысле этого мировой экономики, которые применяются правила. Такие, как финансовое право, нормативные документы, а все другие правила.

Accountability is questioned by what and how the best of the knowledge, reasons, and information is used by Congressional Intelligence Committees. Who is our best ally to assess the accountability? Is the accountability a question of citizenship in our alliances, most certainly. Citizens in our global economy who share a common interest that the knowledge, and information involved that includes their sovereignty 
will be of intergrity, and a nature which is within the foreign policy which their citizenship is being honored under mutual consideration of those rights in an economic endevor of the United States. 

Should not the ethos of the popular will by citizenship invite the people as citizens in a fraternity of that alliance? The common purpose of citizenship being a motive to that fraternity, which enstills trust, should also promote the honesty and integrity to share information in a reasonsable sense of that global economy that the rules apply. Such as financial law, regulations, and all other rules. 

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems states that: 

...accountability as an essential principle of democracy that is based on an explicit set of rules and ethical standards and reflects the popular will...oversight of the use of administrative resources by elected officials... 

(International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Accountability. IFES. from internet 2017, 

Under Article IV of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund,...the Federal Open Market Committee...to execute open market transactions for the System Open Market Account
as provided in this Authorization, to the extent necessary to carry out any foreign currency
directive of the Committee. 

Secretary, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, 
20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20551. 

The United States Code empowers the U.S. President and begs the reasons and information to the Congressional Intelligence Committees: 

...the President determines such an action is necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States and is important to the national security of the United States... 

...the term “covert action” means an activity or activities of the United States Government to influence political, economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role of the United States Government...(50 U.S. Code 3093 Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions. from Cornell Law Project Legal Information Institute). 

The term “congressional intelligence committees” means 
(A) the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate; and 
(B) the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives (50 U.S. Code 3003 Definitions. from Cornell Law Project Legal Information Institute). 

Nothing in this chapter (50 U.S. Code Chapter 44 NATIONAL SECURITY, and or, this chapter may be cited as the “National Security Act of 1947” (50 U.S. Code 3001 Short title), shall be construed as authority to withhold information from the congressional intelligence committees on the grounds that providing the information to the congressional intelligence committees would constitute the unauthorized disclosure of classified information or information relating to intelligence sources and methods. (50 U.S. Code 3091 General congressional oversight provisions(e)Construction of authority conferred. from Cornell Law Project Legal Information Institute). 

See Also. 50 U.S. Code § 3107 Certification of compliance with oversight requirements 

Cornell Law. 12 U.S. Code 263 Federal Open Market Committee; creation; membership; regulations governing open-market transactions. Cornell Law. LII. internet 2017

Cornell Law. 12 U.S. Code 225a Maintenance of long run growth of monetary and credit aggregates
Cornell Law. LII. internet 2017

Federal Reserve. Federal Open Market Committee. Rules Authorizations. Federal Reserve. internet 2017

Federal Reserve. Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations. September 20, 2016. FOMC. PDF. internet 2017

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 02-10-2016 04:41 (ссылка)

Investments гражданина в Walt Disney Co. и налогообложение

Тема: Русский investments гражданина в Walt Disney Co. и налогообложение как бизнес США Деятельность по IRS

Экономический ОЦЕНКА гиперссылок в качестве товарного знака и собственности справедливой рыночной стоимости, используемый в торговле или бизнесе когда маркетинг и реклама включает в себя ответственность корпоративной и деловой активности.

Subject: Russian citizen investiments in Walt Disney Co. and taxation as U.S. Business Activity by IRS

Economic assesment of hyperlinks as trademark and fair market value property  used in the trade or business when marketing and advertising involves corporate and business activity liability.  

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation
32/34 Smolenskaya-Sennaya pl., 1
19200, Moscow G-200

Federal service on customers' rights protection and 
human well - being surveillance
building 5 and 7, house 18, Vadkovsky lane, 
Moscow, postal code 127994

Russian Civil Code Part I Section I The Non-Material Values and their Protection Chapter 8
Article 152. Protection of the Honour, Dignity and Business Reputation

Russian Civil Code Part I Section I Chapter 5. Participation of the Russian Federation, of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and of the Municipal Entities in the Relationships, Regulated by the Civil Legislation. Article 127. The Specifics of the Liability of the Russian Federation and of the Subjects of the Russian Federation in the Relationships, Regulated by the Civil Legislation, in Which the Foreign Legal Entities, Citizens and States Are Involved.

United States. USPTO Trade Secret Policy. internet 2016

See Also. Article 7 Liability for Infringement and Acts of Unfair Competition Under the Applicable Law.
Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property
Rights in Signs, on the Internet (with Explanatory Notes) Adopted by the Assembly of the Paris Union
for the Protection of Industrial Property and the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO). WIPO. 3rd Oct. 2001 http://www.wipo.int/edocs/p...

World Intellectual Property Organization and Uniform Domain Names. internet 2016

International Trade Mark Association. Trade Mark Basics. internet 2016

Directors Guild of America
7920 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(310) 289-2000
(800) 421-4173
Government and International Affairs (310) 289-5358

Directors Guild of America. Government Affairs. internet 2016

Small Business Administration. Starting a Business. Advertising Marketing Law. SBA. internet 2016 

Advertising. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. internet 2016

Please examine the example of the ethical business assumption that the internet and advertising and marketing are involved with the Walt Disney Co. and financial protection bureau of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. As a volunteer to the internet the public relations of Mrs. Brenda Song Walt Disney Co. actress is examplified:

Пожалуйста, рассмотрите пример этического бизнес-предположения, что Интернет и реклама и маркетинг участвуют с Walt Disney Co. и бюро финансовой защиты Федеральной торговой комиссии США. Как доброволец к Интернету examplified по связям с общественностью г-жа Бренда Сонг Walt Disney Co. актриса:

Google Plus. Brenda Song. Google Inc. internet 2016

Shareholders and other parties interested in communicating directly with the Chairman of the Board or 
with the non-management directors as a group may do so by writing to:

The Walt Disney Company
Chairman of the Board
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, California 91521-0931



Consumer Protection Bureau Tell your story 

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
1700 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20552
Toll free: (855) 411-CFPB (2372)
TTY/TDD : (855) 729-CFPB (2372)

Internal Revenue Service Office of Civil Rights, Privacy, and U.S. Tax Court Expert Opinion:

Director, IRS Civil Rights
Rm 2413, 1111 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20224

Director, Office of Privacy
Internal Revenue Service
Rm 7050 OS:P
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20224

See. IRS Privacy Policy 

See. IRS notice 609

See. Request for Documents. U.S. Tax Court Glossary. internet 2016

See. 26 U.S. Code § 6103. Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information.

See. Value Based Arrangement -  A payment arrangement used by some consultants where the consultant makes the up-front investment in work and does not charge the client until the promised benefits are realized.( 26 USC § 1221; “Capital asset” defined, (a)(3   ) a copyright, a literary, musical, or artistic composition, a letter or memorandum,  or similar property...)

See Also. 26 USC § 1231 - Property used in the trade or business and involuntary conversions  ; 
The terms, “section 1231  gain” , “ section   1231  loss”, “property  used in the trade or business” 

See Also. Internal Revenue Service. Pub. 547. Decrease in Fair Market Value. internet 2015

See Also. Internal Revenue Publication 561, Determining the value of Property (intellectual property) 

Please examine my concern under the law of Great Britian and when research of television, radio, and Wi-Fi Internet is held accountable to Ofcom Corp. Social Responsibility, and evidence my involve the International Standards Organization and Companies Act 2006.

Пожалуйста, рассмотрите мое беспокойство в соответствии с законом и Великой Британии, когда исследование телевидения, радио и Wi-Fi Интернет несет ответственность в Ofcom Corp. социальной ответственности, а также доказательства моей связаны с Международной организации по стандартизации и Закон о компаниях 2006 года.

Ofcom Riverside House. Corp. Social Responsibility.

See. Broadcasting Act 1990. Wikipedia Foundation Inc. Internet 2016

See. BSI Group. UK National Standards Body. Internet 2016

See. Communications Act 2003. Wikipedia Foundation Inc. Internet 2016

See. Companies Act 2006. Wikipedia Foundation Inc. Internet 2016

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 12-09-2016 06:43 (ссылка)

Value Based Arrangement: Entertainment Films

Возможно, производственная компания должна сделать фильм из-за финансовых обязательств?

Возможно, лежащие в основе финансовых обязательств на рынке вызывают фильм?

Вопрос о сотрудничестве продюсера и режиссера с любой производственной компании может быть на основе расположения соотношение привлеченных обязательств развлекательных фильмов, как мнения экспертов. Тем не менее, когда финансовые обязательства ставит под сомнение доход работы как распределенный хорошего экспертного заключения может привести к ответственности правительства (правительства США) в отношении экономического финансового обязательства и доходов подходом рынка и первоначально причины для бизнеса развлекательная программа. Это понимается под Налогового кодекса и США по патентам и товарным знакам США по товарам развлечений и размещение на основе стоимости для консультантов. Translation by Google translate. 

Did the production company have to make a movie because of a financial obligation?

Did the underlying financial obligations of the market cause the movie?

The question of the collaboration of the producer, and director with any production company can be a value based arrangement for the involved liabilities of entertainment films as expert opinion.  However, when the financial obligations question the revenue of the work as a distributed good the expert opinion may result in the responsibilities of the government (U.S. Government) as to the economic financial obligation and revenue by the market approach and orginal cause for the business of entertainment.  This is understood by the the United States Internal Revenue Code and United States Patent and Trademark Office for goods of entertainment and the value based arrangement for the consultants.   See. 

Internal Revenue Service. Record Keeping Internal Revenue Service, 

See. What is the burden of proof? , The responsibility to prove entries, deductions, and statements made on your tax returns is known as the burden of proof. You must be able to  prove (substantiate) certain elements of expenses to deduct them.

See. Interest in a Business IRS Pub. 561. The value of the goodwill of the business should also be taken into consideration. You should keep complete financial and other information on which you base the valuation. This includes copies of reports of examinations of the business made by accountants, engineers, or any technical experts on or close to the valuation date¨.

See. Value Based Arrangement: A payment arrangement used by some consultants where the consultant makes the up-front investment in work and does not charge the client until the promised benefits are realized. (26 USC § 1221; “Capital asset” defined, (a)(3   ) a copyright, a literary, musical, or artistic composition, a letter or memorandum, or similar property...)

26 USC § 1231 - Property used in the trade or business and involuntary conversions ; 
The terms, “section 1231  gain” , “ section   1231 loss”, “property  used in the trade or business” 

See Also. Financial Accounting Standards Board 926 Entertainment -Films; 705 Cost of Sales and Services (See. http://www.iasplus.com/en-us/standards/fasb/industry/asc-926 )

See Also. United States. USPTO Trade Secret Policy. internet 2016

See Also.  Article 7 Liability for Infringement and Acts of Unfair Competition Under the Applicable Law. Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property Rights in Signs, on the Internet (with Explanatory Notes) Adopted by the Assembly of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property and the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). WIPO. 3rd Oct. 2001 

Director, Office of Privacy
Internal Revenue Service
Rm 7050 OS:P
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20224

See. IRS Privacy Policy 

See. IRS notice 609

Investopedia.Investing. Market Value Vs Book Value. internet
Investopedia.Terms: Price to Book Ratio. internet
Investopedia.Terms: Trade Secret. internet
Investopedia.Terms: Industrial Espionage. internet

See Also.

Expert witnesses are called upon to testify on matters of mental health (clinical expertise) or other areas of expertise such as social, experimental, cognitive, or developmental. The role of being an expert witness is not primary and it is usually performed in conjunction with another role such as that of researcher, academic, evaluator, or clinical psychologist. Clinical forensic psychologists evaluate a defendant and are then called upon as expert witnesses to testify on the mental state of the defendant. from Wikipedia Forensic Psycology internet 2016  

U.S. Department of Education. Policy FOIA. Handbook OIG-1 Page 1 of 28 (11/03/1992). PDF. 2016 

U.S. Government. Office of Personnel Management. Investigations. internet 2016 

Foreensic Psychology. Expert Witness. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet 2016 

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 18-08-2016 05:05 (ссылка)

American Economic Association: JEL classification system

The Micro Economics of the United States and the Russian Federation have a common asset when personal credit cards are involved with household income. The American Economic Association, a well respected global trade association, has an opinion of the standards by defination and keywords which the micro economics should consider. The Standard Russian Bank offers personal bank cards which the asset management may consider by American Express investors in these regards.

Please see the American Economic Association classification system:

Sect. D. Microeconomics

D.1 Household Behavior and Family Economics

D.11 Consumer Economics: Theory

D.12 Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis

When the issue of American Express as a corporate enterprise, involves issues of asset management
please consider the rights and responsibiilities of consumer rights under law. Especially when liability and negligence is addressed by corporate memorandum.

Works Citied and Related hyperlinks:

American Economic Association: JEL classification system

American Express Russia. Personal Cards. internet

American Express Russia. Personal Privledge. Russian Standard Bank. internet

American Express. Russia. Online Privacy Statements. internet

American Express. Russia. Rules and Regulations. internet

Calculus of Negligence. Online Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet

Enterprise Liability. Online Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. internet

Andrew Drazdik Jr, 30-07-2016 08:23 (ссылка)

Russian Civil Code. Part I Section I Chapter 5. Article 127.

прав инвесторов как граждане, когда гражданство заслуженных Гражданским кодексом . Право иностранного государства в соответствии с Конституцией и законом , чтобы наблюдать и информировать гражданина права имеет взаимный интерес со стороны государства и народа .

Государство и гражданство соблюдается , поэтому во внешней политике
Россия Федерация с Соединенными Штатами следует помнить , и проявлять интерес , во взаимной заботе государства , когда эти права гражданства передаются в качестве инвестора . Пожалуйста.

Кроме того, Конституция позволяет выполнять в соответствии с нормами международного права , что свободные права по закону гражданина пропагандируется как процветание , которое благоразумные решения инвестиций могут быть сделаны с этой информацией . Спасибо.

Federal service on customers' rights protection and 
human well - being surveillance
building 5 and 7, house 18, Vadkovsky lane, 
Moscow, postal code 127994

Constitution of Russian Federation

Russian Civil Code. Part I Section I Chapter 5. Article 127. 

Google Plus. Drazdik Jr., Andrew. Comments. Economic Espionage Act USAM. 

Google Plus. Drazdik Jr., Andrew. Comments. Surety bond 31 C.F.R. § 224.6 Sample Power of Attorney. 

United States Government. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION RELEASE NOS. 33-9109; 34-61578. Commission Statement in Support of Convergence and Global Accounting Standards

Special Counsel, Office of the Chief Accountant
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 
100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549

Bank of Russia. Fraud in the financial market. Bank of Russia internet 2016 


Bank of Russia Service for Protection of Financial Services Consumers and Minority Shareholders
address for correspondence: 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016. Russian Federation

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