Все игры

The Hot Dog

Метки: deadly humour


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Alexander Pup      28-06-2009 19:02 (ссылка)
Re: The Hot Dog
That's the thing! More of such jokes. WIN.
Александр Ингорь      04-07-2009 02:08 (ссылка)
Re: The Hot Dog
Here's another joke on hot dog.
A Korean walking about New York finds a hot-dog table. His imagination draws sweatest pictures of smoky dog's meat, so he orders one. The street vendor does his usual work and hands him a hot dog. The Korean looks in astonishment at what he's given, and then says, 'Could you please give me another part of hot dog?'
Ускова Ирина      03-07-2013 20:04 (ссылка)
Re: The Hot Dog