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Не входи, дед!

Дом Тимофей строил большой. По молодости лет рассчитывал, что семья у него будет большая. Поэтому делал всё с чувством, с толком, с расстановкой.

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Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Юмор. Не вход

Басня. Умная ворона.

Повадилась как-то умная ворона сидеть на ветке над пешеходной дорожкой.

Идёт прохожий, ворона на него свои бомбы
кидает и смеётся от меткости.

Прохожие возмущаются, ругаются, грозятся, утираются и, сожалеют, что птица испачкала одежду.

Однажды по дорожке, где сидела умная ворона, шёл плохой мальчик.

Ворона прицелилась и плюхнула на мальчика кучу своего добра.

Метко попала умная ворона на плечо мальчугана и как засмеётся по вороньи.

Мальчик рассердился, утёрся, вынул рогатку и, убил умную ворону.

Мораль: Безопасно и весело гадить можно только на хороших людей.

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Юмор. Басня.

Зарисовка: "Шмель".

Распустился, раскрылся цветок.
И, другой рядом с ним уж раскрылся!

Друг на друга глазеют с любовью они,
И, мечтают, что хоть бы комарик приснился!

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Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Юмор.

8 марта! Стихопазлы... .


1. Женщина, март, праздник, волшебство, день
2. Красивая, весенняя, прелестная, лучшая, мужская
3. Поздравлять, радовать, любить, дарить, осчастливить.

ВЕСЕННЕЙ ПРЕЛЕСТЬЮ в календаре лежит... .
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Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. С 8 марта!

Задача физикам.

Дано: СС (Солнечная система), планеты которой имеют инертное движение по своим орбитам вокруг центра.

Вопрос: Каким будет это движение? (Спираль внутрь или спираль наружу)?
При условии реальных скоростей реальных планет.

Мой ответ:

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Задача физика

Моя гипотеза.

1. Спиралевидное строение Солнечной Системы.
2. Солнце не является центром Солнечной Системы.
3. Движение планет в космосе закономерно. (Большого Взрыва не было).
4. Центром Солнечной Системы является центр спирали (переход, дыра).

Вселенную наполняют частицы... .[ Читать далее...  ]

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Моя гипотеза.

Перевод "Астероид".

...In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, on the edge of the vast universe, among the rays of large and small stars, there lived an Asteroid. However, he did not live at all and was not at all, but simply existed... .
"Is it possible to live when you only exist, is it possible to be when there is emptiness around you?" - That's how the asteroid itself reasoned and ran away from the void, from itself, in search of happiness.
The asteroid did not know how to feel at all, as it looked like a huge piece of rock, irregular in shape, the size of a large house, with sharp, uneven edges... .
Once upon a time, when the Asteroid was still small and was just beginning its journey into the unknown, which everyone called life, his old grandmother, a star with blue rays, told him a story about the distant planet Earth. "There, on planet Earth," Grandma said to the little Asteroid, "people live. They have love. Thanks to which, they live in prosperity and happiness.
"And what is love?" The little Asteroid asked Grandma.
"It's a feeling that can work wonders. When you grow up, you will definitely meet love." Grandma answered.
- "And what does she look like?"
-"She will be your companion in life." - Having answered, the grandmother illuminated her grandson with a ray of hope.
- "Grandma, Grandma! - The grandson of the Asteroid shouted, - I want to fly to planet Earth, I want to find love there, my life partner!" -
-"The earth is far away, baby. You'll have to fly to it for ages." -
-"Let me go, Grandma, I want to see the Earth!" -
- "Your life won't be enough to fly to it." -
"Let me go, Grandma! Well, please let go! Nothing will happen to me, because I'm made of stone!"
-"Well, be it your way, I'll let you go to planet Earth to look for love, just remember: life begins where feelings are born. And let the dream of the distant planet Earth be the dream of your children and grandchildren." -
-"Will I have them, Grandma?" The Asteroid asked, startled.
- "They will definitely be, silly! The old star shone with a joyfully blue light. - Fly, fly, my baby, towards your dream, look for your happiness! Remember also, if you find planet Earth, look at it and come back! Do not approach planet a, you will burn up and turn into a human." -
-"Is it scary to turn into a human?" The grandson asked.
"It's very scary, kid. - The old star replied, dimming its rays.
She pushed the Asteroid with her strong field towards the future life. - Just remember my words... And be happy, baby!" -
- A small Asteroid heard the cry of a Blue star, moving further and further away... .
Part 2.
- "Crazy granny!" - The Blue Star heard the voice of her neighbors, the same stars as herself.
- "To let your baby go to an obvious death! Throw him into the void, into the cold, condemn him to wandering, the unknown."-
-"He will be attracted by the first planet in his path, any star he flies past! And, it will break on their surface. Or worse, he will fall into a black hole and he will not be able to get out of there." The stars were screaming.
- "Abnormal! No, did you hear that? - A completely cooled star appeared in the firmament, hanging like a huge black spot into oblivion, To invent some kind of dream, about some non-existent Earth, about some stupid love, from which, supposedly, everything comes to life and turns into feelings and life! And, haha, send your child to look for all this! Unbelievable! And, where are the parents looking?!"-
-"Yes, yes, what will his parents say?" - All the stars began to sing in chorus and turned towards the parents of the little Asteroid.
The father and mother of the little Asteroid were busy with an important matter. They counted the distance they had traveled together around their parents over the many years of their life together. Dad was a big, slow, Orange star who firmly knew his every step in space and believed in the necessity of the work he started for the whole Galaxy. Mom was delighted with her Orange Giant, warmed his sides with the warm light of her rays, thereby helping the most important thing for the Galaxy that her beloved husband had started. Yes, they were a happy couple!
"What exactly happened?" Dad asked the little Asteroid with imperturbable calmness from his neighbors, the yellow and white stars. He didn't even notice the extinguished star that screamed the most. Take into account, the look of the Asteroid's dad said, you took me away from important things!
- "Where is your child?" - Shouted the extinguished star, which Dad never saw through the glasses he wore for solidity.
- "How where? At Grandma's!" he was surprised.
- "And here it is not...!" The extinguished star screamed, but Dad did not hear her.
- "We sent him on vacation to his grandmother so that he would not interfere with us counting the length of our happiness together, with my dear, beloved wife." - Dad explained the situation to the stars.
- "He's not there!" - the extinguished star intervened again, which Dad only now saw and illuminated its lifeless surface with a bright orange ray to better see who he was talking to.
"What are you doing? - The star was indignant, - You will burn me with your warmth, I am afraid of the light!"
-"And where is he?" - My mother asked the extinguished star with excitement.
"Take away your stupid spotlight, I can't stand the light! - The star pleaded, - otherwise I won't tell you where your son has gone." -
Mom immediately covered the black, extinguished star with her shadow from the rays of the energetic dad and asked: - "What happened to him?"
-"He went looking for happiness! He went to the non-existent planet Earth, went into the void, into the jaws of insatiable black holes, to an obvious death!"
--"Oh, what will happen now? My son, my baby! We need to catch up with him, we need to bring him back!" - my mother was worried, worried.
"Don't worry, my love! - Reassured her big Orange dad, who had great authority not only with mom, but also with all the stars of the Galaxy, which was formed by his old mom, Blue Star. - Grandma will not let the baby disappear, she is omnipotent, she will keep him from danger with her omnipotent attraction, just as she keeps all of us, her relatives." -
"What about my son, my baby? He is alone in the void, in the unknown..." -
-"Don't be sad, everything will be fine! - Dad said, - Once upon a time, my grandmother sent me to look for feelings that could become a miracle and love that could bring happiness. - Dad thought about it, remembering himself very small, the same as his baby Asteroid. - ... And now I've grown up! I'm big! Dad continued his story, but he was interrupted by a completely cooled-down star:
- "Big and, still haven't found anything! Where is your Land? Where is your love, capable of reviving all feelings and creating life?!"
--"Unfortunately," the father of the little Asteroid continued, "I have not yet managed to meet the beautiful planet Earth and those happy people living on that planet on my way. But, I believe that there is such a planet! I know that life is born out of love there! But how life comes out of love is still a mystery to us."-
-"So the Earth does not exist! It turns out that this is all fiction!" - The black star was deligh"Maybe she doesn't exist. Dad reasoned calmly. - The earth, for us the stars, is the embodiment of a dream. - Dad even took off his glasses at that moment and spoke from a pure, stony heart. - Ah, a dream does not have to be the reality of one generation of stars." -
Hearing such clever speeches, mom looked at dad in a special affectionate way. And Dad, feeling the warmth of her gentle rays, said: "But I found a life partner! Your true feelings! And, my tender, sweet, precious love! Honey, my darling," he turned to his wife, "I'm happy that you're next to me!" - And he illuminated his companion with an orange light!
-"True feelings, love," a completely cooled down, lonely star mimicked him, which hung in a huge spot into oblivion, "yes, because there is no Life among you and there will not be! They made up all sorts of nonsense about love. Children are only fooled, they do not give rest. However, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
- She remembered an ancient proverb, like her only eye, that came to her mind, it is not clear from what time. - Only the body temperature is raised unnecessarily and they don't let you sleep. True happiness is at rest! Only in peace!" - She concluded and, closing her only eye, began to snore for the whole universe, sighing long and deeply about something in her sleep.
"Well, what are the stars!? - Dad was surprised, - They've lost count again, we'll have to start all over again."
--"Nothing, dear! - His wife supported him, - I will help you! Don't be sad." And, they rolled together across the sky, measuring their kilometers... .
Part 3.
Meanwhile, the little Asteroid was moving further and further away from the blue rays of the old star, its grandmother. Sometimes, on his way, he met lonely planets that were at rest, as if sleeping in darkness and emptiness.
- "Eh-ge-ge! The Asteroid screamed at them as it flew past. - Dear planets-s-s! Wake up!" -
The planets came to life, lazily shook off the thick veil of sound sleep, frankly, without hesitation yawned and, surprised, from the dawn, looked with displeasure at an incomprehensible source of irritation - an Asteroid.
"What are you shouting? Why are you disturbing the peace of the universe?" One of the planets asked him.
"I'm sorry to bother you, dear planet," the Asteroid pleaded, "I want to ask you, maybe you are the same planet Earth?" -
"What other Land?" - The sleepy planet was surprised.
- "A planet inhabited by people who know what love is." -
-"People? Love? The sleepy planet was frankly surprised. - These concepts are not familiar to us, baby!" -
-"And maybe you know what a feeling is?" The little Asteroid persisted.
- "Feeling? - The sleepy planet asked, falling asleep in front of the baby Asteroid, - feeling, - it's frost, don't you feel the cold?" -
-"I can't feel, I'm made of stone." -
-"Poor child. - Said the sleepy planet, - he does not know how to feel at all, he does not know what frost and eternal sleep are." -
-"Poor child! - The lonely planets echoed her, - the word frost is unknown to him. He doesn't know what peace is!" - And they fell asleep again, covered with fog like a blanket, sound sleep hampered their speech.
"What happy planets! - The Asteroid thought, - They can feel and, therefore, they live a happy life." - And, he envied them. As he flew, he watched their outlines for a long time, until finally the planets disappeared into impenetrable darkness.
Yes! Yes! Suddenly it became dark and nothing was visible. I can't hear anything. Close your eyes for a minute, plug your ears and try to sit quietly. You feel yourself, you hear your breathing, and the Asteroid couldn't feel... . He didn't even know if he was flying or standing still. No. He wasn't scared. He was neither warm nor cold, he did not care at all what would happen to his body in the next minute, hour, year... .
"Or maybe I fell into a Black hole? Got into her voracious mouth? - Thought the Asteroid, - And this mouth is going to eat me now? And, there won't be anything left of me...?" - "...But the Black Hole will satisfy its hunger and prolong its life!" These words, spoken aloud by the little Asteroid to himself, made him think:
- "If a Black hole is hungry and it is so voracious, then it knows how to feel? And if, having satisfied her hunger, she can prolong her life, then does she know what love is? After all, there is no life without love..." -
It seemed to him that he was reasoning correctly and, for some reason, he closed his eyes and rushed forward to meet the Black Hole!

Part 4.
The black hole, meanwhile, was having fun. She let out a cloud of luminous dust and smoke from her dark insides, which attracted the attention of all small and large asteroids, planets, and sometimes stars passing by her in the dark. Dust and smoke glowed in bright flashes in the thick darkness, forming what seemed to be a saving corridor in which there was a way out of darkness and darkness.
Asteroids, planets and stars flying by, wanting to escape from the tenacious embrace of darkness, rushed towards the light, like moths rapidly flying to a burning light bulb in the dark. And then, the insatiable Black hole sucked into itself, like a whirlpool, a cloud of glowing small particles, and with them, the lonely travelers of the Universe who had lost their way fell into its mouth.
Our Asteroid was flying in the dark with its eyes closed. He did not want to know the first feeling of fear, before the menacing mouth of a Black hole. He did not want to be afraid to part with his stone body, without knowing what love is, without finding a planet named Earth.
"What if this monster swallowed the beautiful planet Earth? - Thought the Asteroid. - Then let her swallow me too. Without a dream, there is no point in my existence. I will never know what love is, I will never see the people living on planet Earth. I will never learn to feel, which means I will not live... . Then I will not be afraid to die in the mouth of a Black hole... ."
At this very time, the Black Hole noticed that a stone asteroid was flying next to it.
"I'm going to have a delicious cobblestone for dinner tonight!" she said, and released a new cloud of glowing dust and smoke right in front of him. The dust sparkled in the dark, flashed with fiery flashes and formed a "saving" corridor in the smoke.
- "Hurry up and fly to me, my delicious pebble." - the Black Hole dreamed.
Imagine her surprise when a small Asteroid flew past a corridor of dust and smoke.
- "Hey! Hey! - She shouted angrily at him, - don't you see the light? Don't you notice my beauty? Left, fly left!" -
Fortunately, our Asteroid did not yet know where to left, where to right, because it did not have a heart and it continued to fly straight.
"You naughty boy! The Black Hole shouted. - You left me without dinner! Aren't you afraid of my darkness? Can't you see my beauty? Don't you want to get closer to me sooner? Get out into the light as soon as possible?" -
"I'm flying with my eyes closed. I don't know how to feel. I'm made of stone!" The Asteroid answered her.
- "Stone! - Licked the Black hole, - this is my favorite food! - She cried. - Don't fly away! Please, I'll do whatever you want for you, just don't fly away!"
-"Tell me," the Asteroid shouted to her, "Have you ever eaten... Love?" -
- "Love? - Thought the Black hole, - is it something like you, stone?" -
-"No." -
-"Then iron?" -

- "No."
--"Then what kind of food is it?" "What is it?" she asked in surprise.
- "Love is a feeling capable of a miracle." - He explained.
- "Food capable of miracles?" - The Black Hole did not hear.
- "Feeling-oh!" The Asteroid shouted.
- "Ah, the feeling-oh," she understood the words of the guest, "the feeling of hunger is familiar to me..." - the Black Hole immediately agreed.
- "So you like to eat and that's it?" -
-"I like to eat stone asteroids most of all!" -
-"So you love me?" -
"Yes, yes, I love you, I love you very much! Please open your eyes! - The Black Hole pleaded, - have mercy on the poor, hungry, dark, cold star! Be a good girl!" -
And the little Asteroid obeyed, for the first time in its existence they confessed their love to him, he was so naive that he even forgot that they loved him as food. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the huge mouth of a Black hole and a white cloud of dust and smoke rushing after him... Fortunately, it was already too late. A small Asteroid flew away to a safe distance from an evil and treacherous Black Hole. And when he saw her, he wasn't scared at all, probably because he couldn't feel. She was indifferent to him... .
"Now I know what the cunning and treachery of Black holes is," the Asteroid said to himself, "I will fly through dangerous places with my eyes closed." and he flew on.
Part 5.
How much, how little time has passed since the Asteroid flew out of the mouth of the Black Hole, I do not know.
The emptiness, the distance in years, did not frighten the Asteroid at all, because he had a big dream that could become a reality, not necessarily in his generation... . He flew an immeasurably great distance, measured in millions and, once again, in millions of kilometers. It was a huge journey in the universe, from the point of view of the Asteroid itself. And, a completely small segment of the way, from the point of view of his wise grandmother, stars with blue light. He encountered many asteroids, large and small, planets and various stars, from White dwarfs to Blue Giants, just like him. But none of them had heard of the distant planet Earth. None of them could feel the way people from the distant planet Earth can feel. None of them knew how to share their feelings with others, teach them to live, teach them to love, teach them to be loved...
But one day... !
One day, he met a double star. The Stone Asteroid saw its variable radiance from afar. It seemed to him that this star was playing with its own rays, generously scattering them to the sides. Then he collects the remnants into a small point of fire and again illuminates the close corners of the universe. When he flew closer, he saw that the glowing point of fire turned out to be a New, small star, which with its light was looking for a large one in the dark, either a star or a planet.
"I wonder what they're doing there?" - The Asteroid thought and flew very close to them.
Suddenly, a glowing point of fire flashed with a dazzlingly bright light, turning into a large, flaming ball and, seeing an Asteroid next to it, was afraid... .
- "Oh! "Stop it!" she screamed. - Oh, oh, oh! Grandma! Grandma! She called loudly for a large planet or star. - Hurry up and fly here! Look at what a big asteroid!" -
The slow grandmother, grunting with old age, flew up to a small star that illuminated it with a bright light and said affectionately:
"Don't shine so bright, granddaughter. You're blinding our guest. And, she absorbed some of the energy from her granddaughter and corrected the girl's words, "He's still very small..." -
-"Yes, I'm a small Asteroid!" - The guest replied, squinting his eyes from the bright light of the star.
"Wow, it's small," bright star was surprised, "the size of a football field..."
...Yes, during its journey through the universe, the Asteroid gained weight. It was overgrown with cosmic dust, became rounder and looked nothing like its former self, a small Asteroid. Only himself, he didn't know about it.
"Well, why are you attacking him, granddaughter? - Grandma stood up for the guest and, once again, absorbed a part of the girl's world.
The asteroid opened his eyes wider and asked curiously:
"Oh, what are you doing here?"
-"Don't you understand? - The little star was surprised, - my grandmother and I are playing hide-and-seek!" -
-"Oh, what is this?" -
- "This is when, Grandma, she hides in the dark, and I look for her with my rays." -
-"It should be interesting," said the Asteroid and, remembering his grandmother, a big star with a blue light. - I also have a grandmother, - he told the New Star about himself, - only she and I have never played hide-and-seek." -
-"Oh, do you want to play hide-and-seek with me?" Bright star asked him.
"Of course, I would like to know what kind of feeling it is?" - Said the guest.
"It's not a feeling, it's a game. - The girl corrected him and asked her grandmother:
"Grandma, can I play hide-and-seek with a big Asteroid?" -
"Well, of course, granddaughter," grandma allowed, "then you play, and I'll fly to my familiar star for a while on business and I'll be back soon." - Said the grandmother and flew away, leaving her granddaughter with a small Asteroid together.
Having played too much, the Asteroid did not notice how it almost became a satellite of a New star. They were so happy together that they did not notice the time... .
Part 6.
Whether the game of hide-and-seek lasted long or short, I do not know. Only, the asteroid, which seemed large, to a very young, bright, New star, with a blinding sharp light, flew further and further away from its young friend... .

- "Don't fly away! - She held him back with her scream and attraction. "Stay with me!"
-"I can't. - He answered her. - I have to find the beautiful planet Earth and the people living on it. I have to find out what love is, capable of giving birth to feelings and giving life. I must learn to feel, which means to love." -
-"It will be very difficult for me without you, do not fly away!" -
-"It is difficult! And, what is it?" -
-"It's when you won't be around!" -
-"But, I'm stone. I don't know how to feel, and you will quickly become disappointed in me, forget me."
--"No! No, anything but that. And, you are not at all stony, not at all insensitive...!"
- "Oh, what am I like?"
-"You are kind! You have a big, kind heart!" -
-"Kind? What is this feeling?" -
-"It's when you're loved!" -
-"Loved? Who?"--
"That's it! Big and small stars."-
-"An insensitive stone is impossible to love. Only people on planet Earth know about true love!"-
-"Everyone who is kind and who has a beating heart knows love!" -
-"What is a heart?"-
-"The source of life, goodness, the pulse of the universe!"-
-"I am dead."-
-"You're alive!" -

- "I am dead, I do not know what is heat, cold..." -
-"You're alive! You talk to me and I feel warm when you're around!"
--"I'm empty."
--"Not true! I can hear your heart pounding!"
--"I don't have a heart. I'm made of stone and I have to find people on planet Earth." -
-"Don't fly away!"
--"I'm sorry, I have to fly. I must!" -

"Then go away, do you hear, go away! Fly to your people, look for your happiness, just go away faster, go away..., ear-di!" - She warmed up so brightly and hotly that the heat of the rays of a New star melted the stone of a large Asteroid and turned it into metal. He barely managed to close his eyes and flew further and further away into the void.
"It's necessary," he kept telling himself, "I can't feel, I don't know what love is, I'm stone, stone... ,
- Only silence, only endless darkness could be seen in the closed eyes of the Asteroid, tears. Flying away from the small star, the Asteroid moaned, tightly straining its iron muscles and squinting its eyes. No one heard his desperate moans, no one saw his suffering already in an iron body. And the tears fell from his closed eyes into the void, turning into water balls and running in a string after their mad master.
"That's it. The Asteroid said to itself. - It's been a long time since I've seen the rays of a New star that I'll never forget. There is already an endless distance between us, the darkness and the cold of bottomless, vast nothingness, and I absolutely don't care about anything, absolutely everything ... . Just a little cold, just a little cold ... .
- "It's cold! The thought made him think. - I got cold, - he reasoned, - so I was hot?!

So I felt warm and I felt good? So I'm living? Do I feel it? No, no, not that. I was made of stone, but what am I now? And, why did I recognize the feeling of cold first? I know there must be a lot of feelings... .

...Let's leave the iron body on the way for a while. He has to fly to his dream for a very long time...
let's see what happened to the New Star.
Part 7.
In an instant, the New Star spent its energy and turned into a small planet. And when the grandmother of the New Star returned, she did not recognize her granddaughter at all.
"What's the matter with you, my dear? Grandma asked her granddaughter. - What happened to you? Why don't you light up the rays of your beauty? Aren't you happy with Grandma?"
--"I'm out, Grandma." - the granddaughter complained.
- "What happened, are you sick?"
-"No." -
-"Maybe you're sick and you need to call a doctor, a White dwarf?!" -
-"No, no, no, he won't help me." -
-"I don't understand... . But where is the little Asteroid that came to visit us?"-
-"He flew away." -
-"Where to?"-
-"To the people." -
-"To the people? And what are these stars?"
--"These are not stars, Grandma. He flew away to look for the love that people keep on planet Earth." -
-"People, Earth? Grandma was surprised. "Maybe he promised to come back?"
-"No, Grandma, no. Little star cried, "he will never come back, he will be lost..." -
- "Don't cry, granddaughter, The universe is vast, but all the paths of the planets and stars in it will converge someday, he will return..." The grandmother comforted her granddaughter, not believing in her words, but what else could she do if her girl went out and turned from a bright star into an ordinary planet. - Calm down, he's big, stony, nothing will happen to him. - She was saying.
"And, not at all! Suddenly, the granddaughter screamed. - He's not made of stone, he's alive! You know, alive! And, he will disappear, disappear..." -
- "What are you, what are you...," the grandmother wailed, "you can't worry so much, you need to save your strength, you will grow up big, beautiful, you will find yourself many more large and small asteroids that will be your companions who will take care of you..."
-"No! Don't say that, please, don't say anything. Because you don't know anything. And, when you can't find out anything, he'll disappear, he'll die, he'll die... -"
-"But why don't I know anything? - Grandma didn't understand her granddaughter, - can you explain it to me, your grandmother?"
-"Yes, because you're an adult, you know, an adult!" -
- "I'm an adult and I don't understand anything... No, I need to call a doctor. An urgent doctor, a White dwarf. And, grandma shouted to the whole universe: "Kar-lik! Kar-lik!" - She called an ambulance.
- "Well, call me! Call, even a hundred White Dwarfs, call! They won't help me. Ah, he will be lost, he will be lost without me." And she began to cry bitter tears that accumulated on her cooled body into whole lakes.
- "Without you?!? Grandma was startled. And not in vain... .
- "Yes! Yes, without me, because he is so helpless, just like a child, do you understand, grandma?" -
-"What's wrong with you, granddaughter, you remember planets I don't know, you surprise me more and more every minute."-
-"Forgive me, grandma, I don't know what I tell you what I'm doing. All I know is that I have to catch up with him and be with him, always and everywhere." -
-"You sound like an adult, independent star. Oh, you're small, young, at your age, are you going to fill your head with asteroids?" -
"Forgive me, Grandma, I'm being heartless with you, leaving you, maybe forever, forgive me, Grandma!" She closed her eyes and began to slowly move away from the strong pull of her grandmother, with which she tried to hold her. And, the big and old star, the grandmother, did her best to keep her granddaughter. Stop her. Do not let them fly into the universe. But I couldn't do anything, absolutely nothing, with my attraction.
"Where are you going to look for him, granddaughter?! Grandma shouted with the last of her strength.
- "I don't know! - She heard the answer, - but I will definitely find him. Goodbye, grandma!" -
-"Granddaughter, granddaughter-ah!" - From strong emotions, excessively heavy tension, grandma received a stellar heart attack and lost consciousness... Fortunately, the doctor she called, a White dwarf, flew to the challenge in the universe faster than the speed of light, at the first call, to help the already lonely Double star.
...On Earth, the Sun will not have time to reach sunset. The cloud will not have time to scatter a supply of fresh water over the fields. The sea will not have time to feed the white seagull. The wind will not have time for the old miller to grind a bag of delicious rye flour. But, Dr. White Dwarf, during this time he will have time to fly through the entire Galaxy in which, perhaps, the planet Earth is located.
He comes to the rescue at the first call. He will help Grandma through a difficult time. He would calm her down, give her medicine, but he would not chase after the departed star who had determined his fate. He already has healthy big and small stars, a lot of sick and old ones.
Chapter 8.
...During the time we haven't seen the Asteroid, it has come a long way in search of the amazing planet Earth. Where people live who know what love is, capable of giving birth to feelings.
In search of happiness, the Asteroid experienced many disappointments, hardships, failures and, in return for all this, acquired only one feeling - cold and emptiness. After parting with the brightest New star, the little Asteroid realized,
that he had lost her forever and would never meet a star like her again. Time bared his molten metal body in front of the universe, a hail of meteorites beat his stone soul. He's grown up. And he survived only because he could not feel - he survived and continued to move forward into the unknown, in search of a planet that no one had ever seen. A stubborn Asteroid. That's what the planets and stars of the same Galaxy called him, whose advice he stubbornly refused to liste- "The dream of an amazing planet Earth," the Asteroid recalled the instruction of one of the solid, authoritative planets on its way. - It's just a childhood dream. Yes, children need it to shape their worldview. Growing up, children of large and small planets, stars, should forget this fairy tale. Close the flight orbit in a circle and live peacefully, overgrown with cosmic dust.
To live for yourself, in your zone, for your little planets and satellites.
To live in the rays of the magnetic influence of the main star and, in no case, to go beyond this influence. Even in search of a dream, whatever it is. This is absurd! It's suicide. No planet, much less a star, would take such a risky step outside the Galaxy. Look at you. You're just a little Asteroid. Stop it! Come to your senses! There is no planet Earth outside the Galaxy, because this is fiction! It's a beautiful fairy tale! You can't be childishly stubborn in an adult position. And you're already an adult. Look at yourself in the mirror image of the Milky Way. And finally become a satellite of some planet or star." -
"Ah, what should I do for that?" The Asteroid asked her.
"You have to stop, silly! Why did you accelerate so much? Stop and you will close your orbit. Of course, it will no longer be in a circle, but rotating among its planets and stars along the ellipse is also not bad." -
- "If I stop and stop moving towards a dream in the universe, you will pull my little body to your wombs and I will forever become, just, the soil on your body. And I will never know what love is, capable of giving birth to feelings. When I don't see planet Earth... I won't stop! No matter how much you beg me. I don't believe you! I won't slow down! Planet Earth exists! I'll find her. And if not... If I die and don't find this planet, someone else will follow in my footst- "Anyone else?!? Some kind of stone nonsense, I don't understand anything...!" -
-"You don't understand! Goodbye, don't mention it too much! And, don't worry about me, I'm already an adult! I will find her, this planet! I'm going to see these people! I will find out all the feelings and tell you about them. Goodbye! I can easily get away from your magnetic field..., I'll find..., I'll find her!" - The asteroid has disappeared from view of the planets and stars of this Galaxy.
Part 9.
- "Flew away... ! Did not listen to the advice of adult planets and stars. ...Flew away."-
-"Yes, yes, for such ellipses and circles, this is not a form of existence. Give them an acceleration spiral! Open up spaces for them, let them go into the unknown, worry about them, watch their flight and, at the right moment, summon a White Dwarf. From such only headaches, worries, heart attacks ... -"
"What are you going through, stars? He flew away, let him answer for himself. We have nothing to do with it, we are not to blame for the consequences... After all, how much can you spend the magnetic matter of gravity, radiant energy, stone throws of meteorites, in order to stop one and give him peace - the happiness of the Universe! -"
- "I've broken all magnetic ties. You could say he didn't give a damn about anyone. We're all bad, he's the only good one! Ha ha ha, did you hear the sisters? The hero, so to speak, flew into the unknown to look for a miracle! Ha ha ha! Oh, he just went down the drain! Ha ha ha. -"
-"And then, a fairy tale about this planet, what's its name, Earth, it's a very ancient folklore, an invention of our ancestors... . I'll find..., I'll find out ..., and myself, just an asteroid, and even a small one! They will start reading all sorts of books about little princes in childhood, imagine themselves as little asteroids and, messing around, buzzing in the universe! -"
- "Buzyat? Let me correct you, dear, they are not blustering, they are sabotaging! From the Latin sabotarius, that is, they block the movement of the normal way of life of the universe! Yes, even at the most crucial moment, during the active awakening of the main star! Oh, that's a blow-u- "It is not yet known whether he aspired to seek a dream outside our Galaxy? What if it's something else? What they don't say out loud, but only guess ... And, most importantly! And, won't its movement serve as a bad example for thousands of asteroids and planets? And, will they not blindly follow one madman into the unknown, in search of this very ..., from which all feelings will be felt and transmitted to others?!-"
-"It's absurd, how can planets feel? No, of course not! What do you think, brothers and sisters? -" one of the stars of the Galaxy addressed the audience.p! -"
"No, of course not!" they all replied in unison.
"I think I need to stop him. Or to direct on another path, on the right one, on the right one, on our path! And, then word of him will reach the main star and, it is still unknown what will happen? They will say, they will certainly say that you overlooked it! And then what? It's scary to get angry with the main star during the period of active awakening! She can turn you into smoke! The cunning star paused. - What do the planets and stars say?" -
"We need to stop him!" Planets and stars began to scream in the Galaxy.
"Ah, now let's think about how best to do it? - Concluded the Cunning star, which once upon a time, when it was still a planet, a powerful meteorite crashed into and shifted its thinking along one channel: - "There are enemies all around!" - Who has any suggestions?" - The star surveyed the Galaxy from a high orbit.
- "Very simple!" A planet with a variable glow of reflected light shouted.
- "Go on, my dear!" - The supervisor allowed her.
"As long as the asteroid is in our gravitational field, and that's the main thing. He needs to give up his crazy idea himself. And, for this, he needs to show his future, what he is striving so hard for ... - the planet ... -"
-"Earth?!? The Cunning Star couldn't help but cry out. - Fools! You know perfectly well that these are fairy tales for little ones, a myth, an invention of the universe, a naive dream of the stars. - she said, - And what is a dream? It's a void.
Each of you knows that happiness lies in peace and well-being. The calmer and more prosperous a planet becomes in the universe, the more modest its magnetic activity, the more likely it is to become overgrown with cosmic dust and eventually become a big star! Get yourself a lot of satellite planets, attract flying asteroids to yourself, immensely enjoying the peace! Isn't this happiness?" -
- "The planet... ." - The planet with a variable glow of reflected light tried to insert a word again and finish the thought, but they did not want to listen to her.
-"To attract others, to use their magnetic fields, to control, to guide them on the right path at the right moment, taking care of their infinite well-being, like-mindedness, a single direction of movement with the real goal of universal peace! For, the law of our society is a circle! An ellipse! And, any spiral in the realm of the circle is an antisocial phenomenon that leads beyond it. A phenomenon that undermines our morals.
Everyone knows that the spiral path leads into the void, into the unknown and, therefore, to death. Therefore, today we cannot allow spiral relations with each other. They have not yet been studied by our science. And, the premature antics of naive fools who claim that the spiral path leads to some kind of amazing and wonderful planet Earth, on which supposedly peBecause, an example of such an outburst, can attract other stupid and headless, naive asteroids and planets and disrupt the holy peace of the universe, creating chaos. This will interfere with our common cause - moving forward, calm, planned, regular, moving forward and only forward!"- The cunning star took a deep breath, after such a speech... .ople who are able to feel love live, are also criminal for us today!
- "The planet..., landfills! ...To show an Asteroid, they say there was life on it too, or something like..." Laughed the protruding planet with a variable glow of reflected light.
- "What ...?" - the Cunning star did not understand and ordered her guards from selected planets to remove from the center of attention, a planet with a variable glow of reflected light, to the outskirts of thought. Looking through the Galaxy, the Cunning Star asked: "Which one of you doesn't agree with me?" -
"We all agree with you!" The middle planets shouted.
"Tell me, what should we do?" -
...A New star flew through this Galaxy, which went out and became a planet. She was flying in the Universe in the footsteps of an Asteroid, however, what traces are there ... intuition. Or maybe it was the feeling of being around that brought her here.
"Tell me, what should we do?" A large planet covered with a double layer of cosmic dust asked a Cunning star. The rest of the stars and planets were waiting attentively for an answer.
- "The asteroid has lost its way, it has disregarded our morality. By gaining momentum in our society, which you and I helped him do. He denigrated you and me, in the eyes of the main star, with the naive nonsense of his dreams. Choosing a spiral path, he broke away from collective thought, opposed himself to the law of rest, and decided to fly out of the Galaxy. Let's help him with this! Let's push him all together! So that he can reach the goal faster. And he would rather bring us news about the existence of planet Earth. Will we help?!"-
It seemed that the planets and stars did not understand the Cunning Star. Where is she going? Sometimes he condemns, sometimes he asks for help...
"You asked me what to do? - The star said, it was necessary to rectify the situation, take control into their own hands. We put the question to the vote. Who is in favor of helping the Asteroid find planet Earth faster? - It's not for nothing that she was dubbed the Cunning Star. - So, all in favor! Against no. Abstaining... and you are a small planet, why don't you vote? - She turned to the New One ...the planet. Are you in favor of helping the Asteroid?" -
"I do not know him. I'm new." - The New Planet lied, it seemed to her that something was wrong with the words of the Cunning star. Or maybe she felt something again?
-"And, is it necessary to know them in order to help asteroids?"
--"No. But... It seems to me that if we all together, together, push the Asteroid with our field, it will never come back to us." -
- "Silly girl, you're new to us, you don't understand anything, tell me what your name is?" The sly star smiled as affably as she could. The whole galaxy was looking at her.
- "Alpha." The New Planet lied again, instantly coming up with a name for itself.
- "Alpha abstained! She's new...!" the Sly Star informed everyone, smiling. - And, so all "for" and, one vote of the planet abstained. Now it remains to inform all of you about the exact time of the impact of our field on the asteroid's path. May this be the hour when the rays of the main star will rise above the sky of our Galaxy! I think we all want the main star to notice our selfless participation in the fate of the asteroid, in the name of the dream of the whole universe!" -
Part 10.
...Time passed slowly. Waiting for the signal has absorbed the attention of all the planets dreaming of someday becoming big stars or solid planets. For them, the main thing now was not to miss the moment of the beginning of the action, which appears so rarely in a state of rest and well-being. The desire to distinguish himself and be the first to notice the rays of the main star, notifying everyone about it, that's a worthy goal! The thought of this did not leave a large planet with a double layer of cosmic dust, but she had little chance for this.
At the direction of the Cunning Star, it directed its orbit near the orbit of the small planet Alpha. And, its orbit was so low and imperceptible that a large planet with a double layer of cosmic dust was offended by such a task. Waiting in the universe is a stretchable concept and means a temporary disturbance of rest. This affects the chemical composition of individual planets and stars for the worse. In order not to be influenced by chemical changes, and for the benefit of its future, a large planet with a double layer of cosmic dust decided to talk to the newcomer to whom it was assigned.
"Hey, New Girl! - She shouted, catching up with the small planet. - Isn't your name Alpha?" -
-"Yes, Alpha, and who are you?" -
-"The same planet as you, my name is Betta." - She automatically deceived Alpha, a planet with a double layer of cosmic dust, which, by coincidence, had only an ordinal number without a name, and this did not depress her at all.
-"If you are Betta, then in chemical composition, you are close to my structure." -
-"Yes, you and I are almost twins, only I am bigger and, in this world, frankly, I am tired of all these lazy, stupid planets trembling each for its orbit."-
"I noticed that. But it seems to me that it is not customary to talk about it out loud here."-
-"Yes, when you are among these planets, then it is better not to remember it, but you can speak frankly with me. We are of the same chemical composition, and also, when I heard that you were so bravely defending the Asteroid, I realized that I definitely had to get to know you. And now our orbits are aligned, we are together, and what do we care about the meannesses that a Cunning star does." -
"Unfortunately, I do not know the asteroid," Alpha said, she did not want to tell her new friend everything yet, "I have never seen him, but I think he has a brave heart and a kind soul. Only such an asteroid can decide on such a difficult and dangerous journey in the name of the universe. To be honest, I feel sorry for him. He will die and we will never know anything about the amazing planet Earth." -
"It's sad, sweet Alpha. He alone will not be able to change the movement in the universe. Ah, you and I can't help him. Therefore, we can only accept and wait. Wait for better times and they will surely come!" - The big planet uttered the last words proudly, with confidence in its future. She had already seen the third layer of cosmic dust on herself.
"Dear Beta," planet Alpha spoke with a tear, she trusted the big planet and decided to share her plans with her friend. - I think I definitely have to do something to help the Asteroid. Just now, I do not know. Maybe you need to catch up with him and warn him about the danger. But, it's not possible, it's just not physically possible. Therefore, you need to take off to the highest orbit of the Galaxy and shout from there to the main star. That instead of good, the planets of the Galaxy planned to destroy an Asteroid. They don't want him to ever come back. That's what you need to do, and the main star will save the Asteroid." -
"Ah, how are you going to get into the highest orbit? You don't have enough energy to develop such a speed." -
-"I have a lot of energy, I used to be a star. I will climb as high as my strength is enough, and it seems to me that I will succeed." -
- "If you want, I will give you my energy. - A large planet with a double layer of cosmic dust has an insidious plan. - You and I are sisters and, having received my energy, you will certainly reach the highest orbit. You'll be the first to notice the rays of the main star and that's when..." -
- "No! No, what are you doing? You're going to die! You will then fly into small pieces and I will not forgive myself for this!" -
-"Is my life the main thing? - no. Now we need to see the rays of the main star first. Therefore, make up your mind and take my energy, make up your mind soon! We don't have time to think about it."--
"No! No, I can't ruin you. I have no right to do this! I can manage my life, but not yours." -
"Then, if you want, I'll go up to the highest orbit myself and be the first to see the main star. It will be easier for me to do this. After the vote, you lost the trust of a Cunning star and, you may be delayed by medium and small planets... And, I will be able to pass unnoticed and do everything as needed!" -
-"Then take my energy, I am strong, I will accumulate a new one, I will not die. Ah, you, adding up our forces, will certainly soar above all!"
-"So fast and so easy...," thought the big planet, "no, you need to be careful, you can't scare a silly girl... - And, she said: "No, I can't do that!" -
- "Well, please, I beg you very much! Please take it!" -
-"If you really ask, then I will take it, but only part of the energy." -
-"No! Take it all! If it's not enough, then I won't forgive myself for it. Take all the energy, please, and go fly away! Fly away without looking back and forget about me. Take it!" -
...A bright flash blinded the dark space of the Galaxy. Two planets brought their orbits together and one of them split and fell apart upon collision. And, having received acceleration, the other rushed to the edge of the Galaxy to the highest orbit... .
- "What happened!?" Startled by the bright flash, the Cunning Star shouted.
- "Nothing special, dear teacher, it's just that I completed your task and now I'm rushing into the highest orbit to be the first to notify you about the rays of the main star. - A large planet with a double layer of cosmic dust has reported.
- "Did you leave the little planet Alpha?"
-"It no longer exists. She fell into the precipitate of cosmic dust, of her own accord!" -

- "Well done, you are a planet with a triple layer of cosmic dust!" -
-"With a double, dear teacher." -
-"From now on, with a triple layer of cosmic dust." -
-"I am grateful to you! And what will happen to me if I notify you first about the rays of the main star?" -
-"When you notify, then we'll talk. Do everything correctly, everything that the universe requires of you and it will not forget you!" -
-"I promise that I will be the first to see the rays of the main star!"
--"Haha, how nice it is to deal with such intelligent planets. If there were more of them, if they looked like each other. We would have come to our ultimate goal of the universe long ago: - a single orbit for all...!" -
Split into pieces. A lot of fragments will scatter across the Galaxy. When every piece rushed to its outskirts. And which one of them is Alpha now? And what will happen to her now? Now she will definitely never catch up with the Asteroid. And why did she fly away from her grandmother? Why did she trust the first planet she met? Poor Alpha, its energy was used for its own purposes by a large planet with a triple layer of cosmic dust, which will now be the first to notice the rays of the main star and, having reported this, will receive a fourth layer of cosmic dust... .
The epilogue.
After the signal of the Tricky Star, the planets and stars of the Galaxy simultaneously sent energy towards the Asteroid. By coincidence, or perhaps by the will of providence, a gravitational, directional surge of magnetic forces fell on one of the fragments of the former planet Alpha. A torn, melted piece of the planet, intercepting the energy, rushed to catch up with the fugitive.

The asteroid, meanwhile, staying in space, far from the Galaxy, flew into the unknown in absolute cold. His insensitive body made of iron, secreted drops of moisture from the excessive frost. The moisture turned into ice and covered the adventurer's body with a shell of transparent substance.
As we moved away into the void, the feeling of cold inside our hero intensified. He couldn't think, couldn't look, he fell asleep forever, continuing his journey... .
...By coincidence, the Cunning Star's plan was justified. The heated piece of the former planet caught up with the Asteroid. And, upon collision with a fragment of the planet, the Asteroid hit the brazier. The blocks of ice melted, the iron melted and formed the core of the fragment from the planet. The planet itself, or what was left of it, became the content around this core. In addition to steam, dust, fog, and small fragments, after the collision, a bright light suddenly appeared in the firmament of the endless void!
So a Super-New yellow star was born. The Asteroid's substance reacted with the molten matter of the former planet Alpha. During the reaction, heat and light appeared in space.
If people from planet Earth saw this phenomenon, they would say that a new Sun was born!
...Millions of years will pass and this star, this Sun, will definitely have its own planet Earth. And, asteroids, meteors, fireballs burning to the ground, by all means... Maybe they will turn into people.
Sorry, in love with people!
...In the evenings, lovers often look at the stars. They make wishes when they see a star that has fallen to Earth.
And, they kiss...
and then the children appear!
13.12.2023 год. Мой перевод с помощью компьютера. Автор.

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Перевод Асте

Моя история.

Всем привет! Сегодня нашёл в интернете, на сайте Афиша, фотографии далёкого прошлого, со сьёмок первого моего фильма: "Тогда в январе" 1967 год.

Премьера фильма состоялась у меня на родине в посёлке Юдино, станция Перхушково в доме культуры в 1968 году. В фильме мне довелось сыграть главную роль мальчика Симки.

Режиссёр Храмов А.А., по повести В. Богатырёва "Посылка".

Затем был второй фильм "У лукоморья" 1969 год. В нём мне довелось сыграть главную роль мальчика Ильки.

Режиссёр Глямшин Ф. К. по рассказу Р. Кутуя "С закрытыми глазами".

Как быстро летит время. Как далеко оставляет прошлое. Может эти фотографии, что сохранил (а), Кэтлин, на сайте Афиша нужны только мне?

Потому что, это история моей жизни. Вот с благодарностью, Кэтлин, делюсь с Вами некоторыми:

Кадры из фильма "Тогда в январе" 1967 год, и фильма " У лукоморья" 1969 год.







Фильмы можно посмотреть по ссылкам:
1. (У лукоморья фильм 1969 год смотреть) Так фильм открылся.

(Тогда в январе фильм 1967 год смотреть). Так фильм открылся.

Получается, что ссылки не работают, поэтому убираю ссылки из поста. В. К.

Наберите в поисковике название фильмов и год.
Всем тепла и уюта в жизни. С уважением, Виктор.

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. История в бло

Рассуждения (Навигатор).

Анализ причины землетрясения в 2004 году 26 декабря в 00 часов 53 минуты (всемирное время).

Как измеряется расстояние от планеты Земля до спутника Луны?
(Лазером, подача цифр от центра планеты Земля до центра Луны). Все данные из интернета. Вот рисунки:
1. Пример.

Читать далее...  ]

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Навигатор. 26

Навигатор. (26 декабря 2023 год).

(Вспомните 26 декабря 2004 год, землетрясение на Суматре, 26 декабря 1939 год Чили... ). В Полнолуние! К чему это я?

В декабре 2023 года, по стечению обстоятельств, в пространстве космоса ПОВТОРЕНИЕ! Полнолуние! Думаю, этот год (2023) не
будет исключением.

С 21 декабря начинаются дни зимнего Солнцестояния. В пространстве космоса планета Земля в эти дни, как бы поворачивает на лето... .

Я называю это ВИРАЖ. Так, как орбита планеты Земля эллипс приблизительно в 3% от круга.
А, система Земля-Луна, это связка планеты и спутника, это факт.

Так, вот в момент ВИРАЖА (с 21 по 22 декабря), планета
Земля делает поворот, а Луна ещё не закончила свой цикл в движении, она идёт до Полнолуния (26 декабря).

Расстояние между ними будет увеличиваться, до тех пор, пока планета Земля не дёрнет спутник Луну невидимой связкой.

Эффект пружины,

так я описал это событие в космосе. То есть, Земля дёргает Луну, а Луна Землю!

Но, в недрах планеты Земля магма.

Поэтому в её недрах образуется волна, которая будет давить на земную кору изнутри. Это и будет причиной землетрясения на Земле.

Ожидайте в эти дни (С 26 декабря 2023 года), сильное землетрясение. Возможно цунами... .
Мои вычисления по программам интернета показали дату события 29 декабря 2023 года в 08 часов 26 минут всемирного времени.

Имейте ввиду, что это возможно! Ситуация на небе (космосе), повторяется.

Могу-ли я ошибаться? Да, могу. Мой прогноз любительский. Наблюдения и рассуждения о которых написал выше, наукой
не доказаны.

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Навигатор. 26

И, ещё!

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Мой фильм, грибы.

Доказательство теоремы В. К. .

Доказательство, того, что Солнце не является центром Солнечной Системы.

Читать далее...  ]

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Доказательств


Полнолуние 6 марта 2023 года. Луна видна в созвездии Льва, находится в противоположном знаке зодиака. На рисунке схема положения планет в Солнечной Системе, вид сверху от центра.
Приблизительно, 7 марта силы Луны переходят к Юпитеру. В момент таких переходов гравитационных и магнитных сил планет в пространстве, возникает влияние на ось планеты Земля. Под действием этих сил, ось дёргается, а в недрах планеты Земля появляется волна магмы. Продвигаясь в недрах планеты, волна давит изнутри на кору Земли вызывая землетрясения.
Я описал механизм спускового явления на нашей планете. Считаю, что спрогнозировать ситуацию возникновения таких стрессов на будущее, возможно.
Для этого необходимо, чтобы НАУКА анализировала ситуацию в пространстве, с её возможностями и давала соответствующие прогнозы.
Мой прогноз любительский, научными данными не подтверждён, так как, НАУКА отвергает влияние планет СС на возникновение землетрясений на нашей планете.

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Навигатор. 6


Ночью 6 февраля 2023 года произошло разрушительное землетрясение в Турции и Сирии. Погибло более 20 тысяч человек.
Не делая ни каких выводов, я, просто, составил схему положения планет в Солнечной Системе на этот момент. Схема приблизительная, моё увлечение космосом. Вот что я увидел:

В настоящее время в пространстве планета Земля удаляется от влияния планет гигантов Сатурна и Юпитера. Полнолуние было 5 февраля 2023 года. В момент Полнолуния Луна была союзницей планеты Сатурн. А, в ночь на 6 февраля произошёл переход сил Луны от Сатурна к Юпитеру. В момент этого перехода ось планеты Земля дёрнулась, что привело к движению масс в недрах планеты Земля. По стечению обстоятельств этот удар пришёлся на тектонические разломы земной коры в Турции и Сирии.

Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Размышления.

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Метки: Виктор Кармалитов. Они такие заб

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