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Title: Jang Geun Suk Story!!
This is Jang Geun Suk. Everyone is doing fine, right?
Ah..The title of the site became Jang Geun Suk Story Vol 2
I’m going to use “cri cri” here as well (please see end of msg for explanation of cri”)
Since the official homepage is open now, i’m going to come here to play more now
I just came back from a holiday last week and my whole body is really dark ‘cri cri’… ive’ become so dark that even if i stand together with aborigines, ppl wont be able to tell it’s me…
Oh? I’ve been watching the hype about fanclub membership deposit and while chuckling, i checked the amount of money that had been deposited with lisa unni and i was so shocked, my eyes went really wide
Since it’s been a long time since i had a fan meeting in korea, this time it wont be just a normal fan meeting and we will try to make it really special
ah… after the fan autograph session, i really miss everyone “cri”… really…
i miss you guys… i miss you… euuu heong (sobbing sound) TTT
Well i’m going to the office now to plan the fan meeting (the scale is going to be like a concert)
i will upload photos from my trip soon….look out cri…hoohoohoohooo
T/N: ‘cri’ is short for ‘critical’
it is slang used exclusively on dcinside
it is supposed to be used to emphasise something which is not good
for example, i failed my exam cri
however, keun suk doesnt seemm to know the proper usage of this and attaches this to anything he wants to emphasise
eg “bye cri” and “Thank you cri” etc
he loves using ‘cri’ and used it at the japan fan meeting, on his interview on the kbs entertainment news
many ppl on dc have tried to write posts to show him the proper usage but either he didnt see or he doesnt really care
so the recent trend is taht ppl is just using ‘cri’ a bit lilke how he is – it’s not the way it’s supposed to be but the yb and geun gall are sort of following him lol
and a note about the korean fan meet
they intended to have a fanmeet for about 300-400 ppl at yonsae university
but now the confirmed numbers have exceeded 1900 ppl already so they are looking for another venue which will be confirmed sometime tomorrow

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Разные фотки Keun Suka!!!

настроение: Влюбленное
хочется: чмокнуть его
слушаю: Toucholick

Метки: jks zhan4ik!!!

Биография - Чан Гын Сока

Имя: Чжан Гын Сок / Jang Geun Seok / Jang Keun Suk
Профессия: Актёр
Дата рождения: 4 августа 1987
Рост: 182 см
Вес: 66 кг
Место рождения: Южная Корея
Февраль 2000 - Seoul DongYi Primary
Февраль 2003 - KwangJang
Январь 2003 - New Zealand Nelson College
Июль 2003 - Bangsan High School First
Февраль 2006 - Hanyang University Enrollment
Знак зодиака: Лев
Группа крови: A (2)
Увлечения: охота, катание на лыжах, танцы, пение
Семья: отец, мать
Сокровище: Семья, Playstation
Любимые цвета: голубой, слоновая кость
Любимые фрукты: ананас
Любимая Еда: острая пища, GeJang (маринованные сырые крабы)
Наиболее уважаемых лицо: Kim Gu
Идеальный партнер: Честный, остроумный, женщина с хорошим чувством стиля
Любимый актер: Ahn Sung-ki
Что первым делом замечает в женщине: глаза
Жизненный девиз: "нет ничего невозможного"
Близкие друзья: CSJH Stephanie, MC Mong, Moon Geun Yong, Yoo Ah In, Choi Si Won

Beethoven Virus (MBC, 2008)
Hong Gil Dong (KBS2, 2008)
Hwang Jin Yi (KBS2, 2006)
Alien Sam (2006)
Lovers in Prague (SBS, 2005)
Nonstop 4 (MBC, 2003)
Daemang (SBS, 2002)

Baby and Me (2008)
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (2008)
Going Crazy Waiting / The Longest 24 Months (2007)
Happy Life (2007)
One Missed Call Final (2006)

2008 KBS Drama Awards: Popular Actor Award (Hong Gil Dong)
2008 MBC Drama Awards: Newcomer Award (Beethoven Virus)
2006 KBS Performance Awards: Best Couple Award with Ha Ji Won for Hwang Jin Yi

Официальный сайт: http://www.keunsuk.com

настроение: херовое
хочется: к Гын Соку
слушаю: его все песни

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