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<b><text color="3333ff">Lost World(Потерянный Мир)</text></b>

Lost World(Потерянный Мир)

Практикующий Фалуньгун Игорь Извелин

*Всемирная Энциклопедия (2002) (World Book Encyclopedia): «Фалуньгун - духовный путь существования, который появился в Китае в начале 1990-х годов. Фалуньгун обучает технике медитации при помощи упражнений для улучшения физического здоровья, а также нравственной и духовной чистоты. Название Фалуньгун на китайском языке означает поворот колеса закона. Фалуньгун также называется Фалунь Дафа (великий закон). Фалуньгун имеет миллионы последователей во многих странах».

По данным Информационного центра Фалуньгун, в 1999 г. коммунистическое правительство Китая начало массовые репрессии последователей Фалуньгун, усмотрев в большой популярности этой практики угрозу своей власти, а также боясь потерять идеологический контроль над людьми. В настоящее время только официально уже подтверждено 3175 смертельных случаев последователей этой практики в результате преследований; сотни тысяч - находятся в заключении. Стало также известно о незаконном извлечении внутренних органов для продажи у заключённых последователей Фалуньгун.

Метки: Lost World(Потерянный Мир)

Help me please to translate this part of poem!

... For
there are troubles all your own,

And paths
the soul must tread alone;

Times when
love cannot smooth the road

friendship lift the heavy load...

настроение: thankful
хочется: to sing
слушаю: The Beatles - Let it be

Hey people! :) let's chat in english through ICQ!

I think that's a nice idea to improve one's english! I offer to post here your ICQ numbers & gain new friends..
Let's start..
My name is Ruslan. My icq is 361734779. You can find me on-line (though not every day) in the evenings (Moscow time + 3 hours). Oh, by the way, i think it would be better to visit first my "Moi Mir" page, in order to have an elementary image of me:)

****** @LIN@KU, 28-12-2008 23:56 (ссылка)

Без заголовка

To the New Year...
May it bring joy!
May it bring no regret!

To our loved ones
To our dreams...
May we make them a reality! -

To our friends...
May we give more and criticize less!

To new beginnings...
To our lives...
Let us make this the very best year ever!
To harmony and peace !

С Новым 2009 Годом!!!

настроение: предновогоднее
хочется: хорошо встретиь Новый Год
слушаю: джаз

Метки: С Новым Годом!!!, праздник, снег, елочка, люди

Новогодний рецепт.

Берём двенадцать месяцев года и хорошо очищаем их от зависти, ненависти, огорчений, жадности, упрямства, эгоизма, равнодушия. Каждый месяц разрезаем на три равные части, При этом внимательно соблюдаем пропорции, чтобы каждый день был заполнен работой не более чем на треть, а остальные две трети были заполнены радостью, юмором и весельем. Добавляем три полные (с верхом) ложки оптимизма, большую горсть веры, ложечку терпения, несколько зерён терпимости и, наконец, щепотку вежливости и порядочности. Всю получившуюся смесь заливаем сверху ЛЮБОВЬЮ! Теперь, когда блюдо готово, украшаем его лепестками цветов, доброты и внимания.
Подавать ежедневно с гарниром из тёплых слов и сердечных улыбок, согревающих сердце и душу.
Приятного аппетита! Удачного Нового Года!

Nаиль N., 25-12-2008 19:35 (ссылка)


предлагаю поделииться переводом различных идиом с английского на русский, т.к. каждый прекрасно знает, что их великое множество
и именно они в какой-то степени составляют начинку языка. в любом случае, мне кажется обмен переводом идиом будет очень полезен.
вот некоторые, на которые мне бы  хотелось узнать перевод HAVE AN AXE TO GRIND, PUT ON AIRS/TAKE POT-LUCK

Без заголовка

прочла статью про кризис и пошла записываться на курсы английского. как-то неутешительны прогнозы и хочется быть во всеоружии. в очередной раз убеждаюсь, что без английского никуда!

Кто знает про методику КГБ?

Видел такую методику изучения анг яза для КГБ.......
кто что знает.........как наити........

Без заголовка

Люди!!!!!!!Добрые люди!!!!!!!Помогите выучить английский!!!!!!Я по нему дуб дубом!!!!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!

Контрольные работы

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. Переводы. Все уровни. Быстро и качественно! Не дорого. Тел. 89857880646 ICQ 301890238

настроение: Боевое

Без заголовка

пожалуйсто помогие мне найти информацию о переводческих трансформация при переводе с английского на русский....очень нужно.

Без заголовка

Привет всем!

Нашел хороший
курс английского языка.



(точка) = .


помощь в
подготовке к Единому Государственному Экзамену и Централизованному

помощь в подготовке к TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE, The Michigan ECCE, The Michigan

письменные переводы
(русский <-> английский),

(проверка письменных домашних заданий, контрольных, тестов; написание
сочинений, эссе, диалогов, «топиков»).

Без заголовка

Hello, everyone!what about good celebrate?

настроение: Бодрое

Метки: I`m interested in talking

Без заголовка

Всем привет.
Кто здесть есть из Челябинска?
Если у кого есть желание практиковать английский в живую, кто на самом деле любит этот язык, пишите, давайте попробуем познакомиться!

Без заголовка

i want to talk in english who wants contact with me for practice

настроение: Надеющееся

Usefull stuff! - Idioms! :)

abide by
- соглашаться и подчиняться
A basketball player may know he did not foul, but he must abide by the referee's decision.

about to do something
- быть готовым что-либо сделать.
She was about to leave when the phone rang.

- рассеянный.
My grandfather is very absent-minded and often forgets his key.

act one's age
- делать то, что люди ожидают от человека твоего возраста.
Mr. O'Brien was playing tag with the children at the party. Then Mrs. O'Brien said, "Henry! Act your age!" and he stopped.

act up
- скандалить, выкидывать номера; паясничать.
I could hear Jonathan acting up downstairs.

ahead of time
- рано.
We started the meeting ahead of time so we could go home early.

all at once
- вдруг, внезапно, неожиданно.
All at once the fire alarm rang so we had to leave the building.

all in all
- в итоге, в конечном счете.
We had a few problems but all in all the meeting was successful.

as luck would have it
- то, что произошло; стечение обстоятельств; к счастью или несчастью.
As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.

at a loss
- "без понятия"; озадаченный.
When Don missed the last bus, he was at a loss to know what to do.

at heart
- в основном, по существу, в глубине души.
She is a very nice person at heart although many people dislike her.

at odds with
- не в ладах.

The neighbors were at odds with each other.

at someone's beck and call
- в постоянной готовности услужить кому-либо.
His eldest daughter is always at his beck and call when he spends an evening at home.

be at cross purposes
- делать что-л. наперекор (не намеренно, а в результате взаимного непонимания).
They are at cross purposes and are always arguing about what to do.

be left holding the bag
- остаться с носом.
Be careful, don't let yourself be left holding the bag.

be up to something
- чувствовать недостаток сил (знаний), чтобы сделать что-либо.
Are we up to meeting the delegation from Moscow and speaking Russian to them?

beaten path
- устоявшееся направление действий.
If we always follow the beaten path, we'll never have the courage to try something new.

become of
- случаться, происходить.
What will become of the children, now that both parents are in jail?

beef about
- жаловаться на что-либо.
Stop beefing about your job, Jack. You could have done a lot worse!

birds of a feather
- одного поля ягода.
Oliver and Alain were birds of a feather.

blue in the face
- раздухарившийся, возбужденный.
He argued with the supervisor until he was blue in the face.

cast down
- удрученный; расстроеный; печальный.
Mary was cast down at the news of her uncle's death.

cave in
- обваливаться; уступать, сдаваться.
I thought he could face his opponent and not cave in so easily, but I was disappointed.

chance it
- попробывать; рискнуть.

"Should we take the boat out in such stormy weather?" Jim asked. "We can chance it," Tony replied. "We have enough experience."

cheek by jowl
- рядом, бок о бок, локоть к локтю.
The boxes were placed in the room cheek by jowl and nothing else could fit in.

child's play
- действие, не требующее усилий.
Mary's work as a volunteer social worker is so agreeable to her that she thinks of it as child's play.

close at hand
- под рукой.
If you need help we are always close at hand.

cold comfort
- то, что заставляет чувствовать себя еще хуже, когда тебе плохо.
Mary spent her vacation sick in bed and Jane's letter about her trip was cold comfort.

come about
- случаться, происходить.
When John woke up he was in the hospital, but he didn't know how that had come about.

come rain or shine
- что бы ни случилось.
Come rain or shine, Fanny will always visit her mother on Sunday.

confuse the issue
- напускать туману.
Don't even try to confuse the issue, nothing will come out of it.

cook one's goose

- разрушить чьи-либо надежды, ожидания; навредить.

She cooked John's goose by reporting what she knew to the police.


- уклонение от конфликтов; отговорка (обык. жалкая); нелепый предлог.

Come on, Jim, that's a cheap cop-out, and I don't believe a word of it!

cost a pretty penny

- обойтись в копеечку.

Your divorce will cost you a pretty penny.

crying shame

- вопиющая несправедливость.

It is a crying shame that the children should be separated from one another because of their parents' divorce.

cut loose

- освободиться, бросить что-либо, разорвать связи.

The painter cut himself loose from family responsibilities, and went to live on a tropical island.

date back

- обозначить период в прошлом.

My ancestors date back to the sixteenth century.

day in and day out

- регулярно, постоянно, изо дня в день.

He goes to that restaurant day in and day out and never gets tired of it.

dead duck

- безнадежная ситуация, дохлый номер.

He is a dead duck and has no hope of recovering his former position.

die down

- увядать, гаснуть, затухать.

When the sound of the music finally died down we were able to get to sleep.

do justice to

- делать добросовестно; как следует.

Barbara had so many things to do that she could not do justice to her lessons.

do time

- сидеть в тюрьме.

He was doing time when I first heard about him.

down the drain

- без пользы, без толку; коту под хвост.

Our plans to go swimming went down the drain when it rained.

draw back

- отступать, сдавать позиции; выходить из дела.

The firm drew back from its agreement and wanted to talk about a new contract.

ease off

- стать менее напряженным, ослаблять(ся), расслабляться.

The rain should ease off before midday.

easy street

- благоприятные условия; богатство.

Honestly, it's the chance of a lifetime. It would put you right on easy street.

eat one's words

- брать назад свои слова.

He was forced to eat his words after his boss proved that he was wrong.

eke out

- зарабатывать с трудом.

He was unable to eke out a living on the farm so he sold it.

far cry

- что-то очень отличное; разное.

The first automobile could run, but it was a far cry from a modern car.

feather one's nest

- нагреть руки.

He is not going to feather his nest at our expense.

feel ill at ease with

- чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке.

I always feel ill at ease with boss, I can't say why.

flight of fancy

- полет фантазии.

Her plan is a flight of fancy. Nothing else.

flying visit

- недолгое посещение.

Tom came to New York for only a flying visit. We had hardly eaten lunch when he had to leave.

for days on end

- очень долго.

The American tourists tried to get used to Scottish pronunciation for days on end, but still couldn't understand what the Scots were saying.

from the bottom of one's heart

- от чистого сердца.

We wished them very success in their work from the bottom of our hearts.

full of beans

- живой, энергичный; в приподнятом настроении.

The football team was full of beans after winning the tournament.

fuss over nothing

- мышиная возня.

All the preparations are just fuss over nothing. I'm sure nothing will come out of it.

gain ground

- продвигаться вперед, делать успехи.

The toy company has been gaining ground in their effort to sell more products.

get a kick out of

- получать удовольствие от чего-либо.

I think that my father got a kick out of seeing his old school friend.

get along

- справляться с делом, жить, обходиться.

He is able to get along on very little money.

get chewed up

- становиться беспокойным.

Don't get chewed up about the new law, it won't affect you.

get down cold

- хорошо запомнить.

Terry got the text of his speech down cold.

get down to

- начать делать что-либо.

Joe wasted a lot of time before he got down to work.

get stuck

- оказаться в дураках.

The man got stuck when he paid six hundred dollars for that old car.

give oneself up

- сдаваться.

The robbers gave themselves up when the police surrounded the house.

go ape

- сходить с ума, увлечься.

Bill has gone ape over that new girl in the office.

go out of one's way

- стараться изо всех сил.

She went out of her way to help me when I visited her in October.

go smash

- вылететь в трубу

If I pay all my debts now and at once, I'll go smash.

go to the dogs

- пойти прахом.

Dan ruined himself, all his life went to the dogs.

hammer out

- придумывать, изобретать, приходить к решению после длительного обсуждения.

The union and managers were able to hammer out an agreement before midnight last night.

hand down

- передавать по наследству, оставлять.

My grandmother handed down her silver jewellery to my mother.


- грубый; упрямый; жестокий.

"Because you were two minutes late," my hard-boiled boss cried, "I will deduct fifteen minutes worth from your salary!"

have a mind

- быть склонным к; быть расположенным к чему-либо.

If I'd thought you capable of turning on me like this, I'd never have spoken to you. I've a good mind never to speak to you again.

have a screw loose

- крыша поехала.

He might have a screw loose, if he believes in all this.

have not the foggiest idea

- не иметь ни малейшего представления.

I have not the foggiest idea what you are talking about.

head above water

- большие трудности, неприятности.

My brother has been having a hard time keeping his head above water since he lost his job.

hem and haw

- заикаться, запинаться, затрудняться с ответом.

He hemmed and hawed when I asked him if he knew where the missing money was.

high and dry

- без средств, покинутый в беде, устаревший, отставший (от времени и т. п.).

They left him high and dry when they moved the company to Europe.

hit the spot

- подкрепиться; восстановить силы; воспрять духом.

A cup of tea always hits the spot when you are tired.

hit town

- приехать в город.

Give me a phone call as soon as you hit town.

hope against hope

- надеяться на чудо.

We all hoped against hope that he would become better.

ill at ease

- нервничать, чувствовать дискомфорт, не по себе.

He appeared to be ill at ease during the interview.

in a big way

- на широкую ногу.

His house is always full, he is so generous and does everything in a big way.

in a circle

- безрезультатно; бесполезно.

He seemed to be working hard, but was just running around in circles.

in a nutshell

- коротко, кратко, сжато.

I tried to explain the problem to him in a nutshell but there still wasn`t enough time.

in all conscience

- по совести говоря.

I should have thought that his charges were high enough in all conscience without his asking for any extra money.

in cold blood

- холоднокровно; безжалостно.

The bandits planned to murder in cold blood all farmers in the village by the river.

in grain

- по натуре (по характеру).

He was a cowboy in grain.

in no time

- скоро, быстро.

I will have this done for you in no time and then you can go for lunch.

in short

- короче говоря.

In short, you have to admit that you have lost his game.

jump down one's throat

- внезапно разозлиться на кого-либо.

The teacher jumped down Billy's throat when Billy said he did not do his homework.

jump out of one's skin

- подпрыгнуть (обыкн. от восторга, возбуждения, веселого настроения или удивления).

The lightning struck so close to Bill that he almost jumped out of his skin.

just in case

- на всякий случай.

She dialed her own number, just in case.

kill off

- уничтожить, завершить окончательно.

The president suggested a new law to Congress but many members of Congress were against the idea and they killed it off.

lay bare

- разоблачать; открывать; разглашать.

During his testimony the witness laid bare the whole story of his involvement with the accused.

level best

- все возможное.

Eric refused to stay in school although his parents did their level best to make him finish.

lift a finger

- сделать что-либо; помочь; "ударить палец о палец".

We all worked hard except Joe. He wouldn't lift a finger.

like two peas in a pod

- очень похожие; "как две капли воды".

The twin sisters Eve and Agnes are like two peas in a pod.

look daggers

- гневно смотреть; выражать ненависть или неприязнь взглядом.

Mary did not dare talk back to her father, but she looked daggers.

look in on

- навестить кого-либо; сделать короткий визит.

On his way downtown, Jim looked in on his aunt.

make a clean breast of the matter

- чистосердечно сознаться.

If you have stolen the money, you'd better make a clean breast of it to your father at once.

make a mental note of

- намотать себе на ус.

Alex made a mental note of everything he had heard in that room.

mean business

- говорить всерьез, искренне; иметь серьезные намерения.

The boss said he would fire us if we didn't work harder and he means business.

nest egg

- деньги, отложенные на черный день; сумма, отложенная для какой-л. определенной цели.

I made a nice nest egg when I was working and I am now able to go to school.

nip in the bud

- останавливать в начале; уничтожать в зародыше.

The police nipped the plot in the bud.

none too

- не очень; ничуть.

The doctor arrived none too soon as Lucy's fever was alarmingly high.

nurse a grudge

- испытывать недовольство, помнить обиду.

Mary nursed a grudge against her teacher because she thought she deserved a better grade in English.

nut case

- глупый; сумасшедший человек.

I am going to be a nut case if I don't go on a vacation pretty soon.

once in a while

- иногда, изредка; время от времени.

We go for a picnic in the park once in a while.

once upon a time

- когда-то, давным-давно.

Once upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly daughter.

over my dead body

- через мой труп.

He will never marry my daughter, it will be only over my dead body.

over one's head

- выше чьего-нибудь понимания.

They talked advanced mathematics. It was completely over my head.

pass the buck

- переложить ответственность (на другого).

The foreman is always passing the buck and will never take responsibility for anything that he does.

pay dirt

- полезная, выгодная находка, золотое дно.

We hit pay dirt when we got the rights to distribute the new product.

put aside

- откладывать, приберегать; стараться не замечать.

Putting aside the fact that the man has been in prison, he would seem to be a suitable worker.

queer fish

- чудак.

Uncle Algernon dresses in heavy furs in the summer and short-sleeved shirts in the winter. No wonder everyone considers him a queer fish.

rake up the past

- ворошить прошлое.

Why rake up the past? I thought it was all over and forgotten.

ready money

- наличные деньги с собой.

Frank refuses to buy things on credit, but, if he had the ready money, he would buy that lovely old house.

round up

- округлять (числа); собирать в одном месте; окружать, производить облаву.

Dave rounded up many names for his petition.

rub out

- стирать, уничтожать, убивать.

The gangsters rubbed out four policemen before they were caught.

rush hour

- час пик.

She gazed out at the oncoming waves of the rush hour traffic.

shot in the arm

- что-нибудь вдохновляющее и воодушевляющее.

The general's appearance was a shot in the arm for the weary soldiers.


- поверхностно; неискренне.

Mary's friendliness with Joan is only skin-deep.

soft in the head

- слаб на голову.

Tom must be soft in the head to have believed that story.

spell out

- разъяснять, растолковывать, читать по слогам.

The class could not understand the problem, so the teacher spelled it out for them.

stick around

- стоять или ждать поблизости.

John's father told him to stick around and they would go fishing.

take someone's word for it

- верить на слово.

Don't take her word for it - you can see for yourself.

take the cake

- превзойти; выйти за пределы нормального поведения (обычно используется, чтобы выразить шок, вызванный чьим-либо плохим поведением);

David has done foolish things in the past, but I never thought he would do anything this foolish. This really takes the cake.

take the wind out of someone's sails

- разрушить чьи-либо ожидания.

I was hoping to be accepted by that university. When the rejection letter arrived, it really took the wind out of my sails.

talk rot

- нести вздор.

To says that the company is almost bankrupt. It seems to me that he is talking rot.

talk turkey

- вести серьезный разговор.

I was ready to get serious about making an offer for the car. I was ready to talk turkey.

think over

- подумать хорошенько; размышлять.

When Charles asked Betty to marry him, she asked him for time to think it over.

tit for tat

- ответить на действие таким же действием, отплатить тем же.

Mark criticizes Mary's clothes and in return she criticized his haircut. It was tit for tat.

top dog (top banana)

- хозяин положения; господствующая или победившая сторона; босс, влиятельный человек.

Who's the top dog in this outfit?

train of thought

- направление умозаключения, последовательность взаимосвязанных мыслей.

Dianne couldn't seem to concentrate on her work. Her mind was wandering and she kept losing her train of thought.

troubled waters

- неприятности, нерешенные проблемы.

The boy has been arrested repeatedly and has been in and out of jail for months. He's deep in troubled waters.

turn a deaf ear

- игнорировать кого-либо.

The child had been whining and crying all day. Eventually his mother turned a deaf ear and ignored him.

turn over a new leaf

- "начать новую жизнь".

The man promised the judge that he was finished with his life of crime and that he was ready to turn over a new leaf.

turning point

- критический момент, когда выбор должен быть сделан.

Michael's heart attack was a real turning point in his life. He changed his reckless ways and began eating better, exercising more and relaxing more.

upside down

- вверх дном.

Everything was upside down in Brain's room when he came back home.

walk dance on air

- ног под собой не чувствовать.

Since Tom and Mary were engaged they have been walking on air.

weed out

- удалять, вычищать; отбирать.

Mother weeded out the library because there were too many books.

white lie

- невинная ложь, ложь во спасение.

I am too busy to go to their house for dinner tonight. I will call them and tell a little white lie about having the flu.

whole good hour

- битый час.

Mary spent a whole good hour waiting for him to finish his conversation with his mother.

you are the doctor

- вам и карты в руки (разг).

He considered the situation and proposed to get one more chance. "I guess you're the doctor," she said.

your humble servant

- ваш покорный слуга

All his letters to me were signed with old-fashioned words, "your humble servant".

настроение: horoshoe!
хочется: Chaiu!
слушаю: Beatles!

Chat Slang! Useful stuff! :)

Chat, E-Mail, Web, and chat room slang and acronyms
AAK Alive And Kicking
AAR At Any Rate
AAS Alive And Smiling
ADN Any Day Now
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFK Away From the Keyboard
AFN that's All For Now
AOTA All Of The Above
a/s/l or asl Age/Sex/Location - (used to ask a chatter their personal information)
AV Avatar - Graphical representation (a picture) often used in chat rooms to depict a person that is in the room and chatting.
b4 Before
BAK Back At Keyboard (I'm back)
BBL Be Back Later
BBS Be Back Soon
BCNU I'll Be Seeing You.
b/f Boyfriend (also shown as bf, B/F, or BF)
BEG Big Evil Grin
BFN Bye For Now
BMA Bite My A** (became popular with the Simpson's cartoon show)
boot To get kicked out of a chat room, or have to restart the computer because you couldn't talk in the chat room anymore.
BR Best Regards
BRB Be Right Back
BRH Be Right Here
BSEG Big S**t Eatin Grin
BTA But Then Again....
BTW By The Way
btw BeTWeen you and me ...
chat room A web page where people gather using software that allows them to talk to one another in real time.
CRS Can't Remember S**t
CU See You - also posted as cya
CUS Can't Understand S**t (stuff)
CNP Continued in Next Post (seen more on message boards than chat)
CP Chat Post
CUL8R See You Later
CUOL See You On Line
CYA See Ya
dd, ds, dh Darling or Dear: Dear Son, Dear Daughter, or Dear Husband. Usually exchanged in family chats.
DDSOS Different Day, Same Old S**t
DEGT Don't Even Go There (I don't want to talk about it)
DIKU Do I Know You?
DIS Did I Say
D/L, DL, d/l, dl Downloading, or Download it.
EG Evil Grin
EM E-Mail
EMA E-mail Address (example: ?ema or ema? = what is your email address)
EOT End Of Thread (meaning end of discussion)
ez or EZ easy (one of the really old ones)
F2F Face To Face
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FISH First In Still Here (someone who is on line TOO much)
FITB Fill In The Blanks
flame to insult someone. Used when a person asks a stupid question, or says something rude to irritate the users of a chat room or message board.
FOCL Falling Off Chair - Laughing
forum What todays message boards are called. Often using php as defining language to quickly write 'real time' messages and replies to a web site (or page)
FTS F*** This S***
fu f*** you (If you can't figure this one out, you shouldn't be on line)
FUBAR "Fouled" Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
GA Go Ahead
GAL Get A Life
gest Gesture ... a small multimedia file played over the internet, usually expressing an emotion or comment.
g/f Girlfriend (also shown as gf, G/F, or GF)
GFN Gone For Now
GGOH Gotta Get Outta Here
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
GR Gotta Run
GR&D Grinning, Running, and Ducking.
GTR Got To Run
GTRM Going To Read Mail (leaving chat room to check email)
H&K Hugs and Kisses
hack person who breaks into software, or disrupts a chat room.
HAGD Have A Good Day
HAGO Have A Good One
Halsoft Name of a company that purchased the brand of Chat that Excite offered, now a pay as you go service.
HB Hurry Back
Hosts Refers to the people that are running the chat room, they usually have the ability to kick a person off due to rude behavior.
HTH Hope That Helps
huggles Hugs
IAC In Any Case
IB I'm Back
IC I See
IDN I Don't kNow
IDK I Don't Know
IDTS I Don't Think So
IANAL I'm Am Not A Lawyer (expect an uninformed opinion)
IC I See
ICQ I Seek You. A computer program used to communicate instantly over the Internet.
ILU or ILY I Love You
IM Instant Message
IMHO In My Humble Opinion (or In My Honest Opinion)
IMO In My Opinion
IOH I'm Out of Here
IOW In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
IYO In Your Opinion
JAS Just A Second
JIC Just In Case
JK Just Kidding
JMO Just My Opinion
JW Just Wondering
k, K, or kk O. K.
KIT Keep In Touch
L8R Later (an early one, kind of outdated with current 'young geeks')
LMAO Laughing My Ass Off
LFFAO Laughing My F***(freaking) Ass Off
LOL Laughing Out Loud
LTNS Long Time No See
LTS Laughing To ones Self
LY I Love Ya.
LYL Love You Lots
Message Board. A web page where people write comments, and those comments are than added to that web-page for others to view. Used to carry on conversation, request information, and relay messages.
MUG Refers to a new user of that chat program, goes back to Excite VP days when the AV (or icon) that represented someone new was a picture of a coffee mug.
NE1 Anyone
newbie refers to a person who is new to an area or technology. Also seen as nube, nooby, nubie, nb, etc.
NFW No Feasible (or F***ing) Way
NIMBY Not In My Back Yard
nm, or NM Never Mind
NP, np No Problem
NRN 1. No Response Necessary
2. Not Right Now
NT No Thanks
OBTW Oh, By The Way.
OIC Oh, I See
OF Old Fart, someone who has been around for a while.
OJ or OK Only Joking or Only Kidding
OL the Old Lady
OM the Old Man
OMG Oh My Gosh (although it's usually used with the Lords name in place of "gosh")
OT Off Topic
oth or OTH Off The Hook: Something is really popular, or hot. Very exciting.
otr or OTR Off The Rack: Saying that something is outside the ordinary.
OTE Over The Edge (beyond common sense or beyond good taste)
OTOH On The Other Hand ...
OTOMH Off the Top of My Head ...
OTW On The Way ... I've sent a file to you, it's "On the way"
P911 My parents are in the room. P=Parents, and 911=emergency, in other words either drop the subject, or watch the language.
PANS Pretty Awesome New Stuff (often referring to computer technology)
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Cards International Association
PCMCIA People Can't Master Computer Industry Acronyms (slang)
PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
peeps People. example: "There sure are a lot of peeps in this room" - meaning a lot of people are in the chat room.
peep this Hey, listen to this, I've got some interesting news.
PITA Pain In The Ass
PLZ Please
PMJI Pardon Me for Jumping In (when you enter into a new conversation)
poof when someone leaves a chat room, often seen as *poof* as in boy he *poofed* in a hurry.
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
POS Parents are looking Over my Shoulder.
POTS Parents Over The Shoulder - (My parents are watching, I can't really talk)
PPL People
QT Cutie
RFC Request For Comments (used more in newsgroups, a page or pages that supply technical information)
rl or RL Real Life (as opposed to being online)
r m or RM Ready Made: pre-existing
ROFL Rolling On Floor, Laughing
ROTF Rolling On The Floor (laughing is implied)
ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFLMFAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing F(***ing) My Ass Off
RSN Real Soon Now
r/t Real Time (also: RT, or rt)
RTFM Read The "Flippin" Manual (response to beginner question on net, chat, newsgroups, etc.)
RU aRe yoU?
SEG Shit Eating Grin
SH Same Here
SMS Short Message Service (more cell phones and pagers than chat rooms and the Internet)
SN Screen Name. The name or moniker selected by person in an IM or chat program. ex: My "SN" in vp was "-lone.wolf"
SNAFU Situation Normal, All "Fouled" Up
SO Significant Other
SOL Shit Out Of Luck
SOS Same Old S**t (stuff)
SOTA State Of The Art (latest technology)
SPST Same Place, Same Time
SSDD Same S**t, Different Day
STR8 Straight (can refer to sex, or DSTR8 as in Damn Straight)
STW Search The Web
SY Sincerely Yours
SYL See You Later
TAFN That's All For Now
TC Take Care
TFH Thread From Hell (a topic or discussion that won't stop - esp. newsgroups)
TGIF Thank Goodness It's Friday
THX Thanks!
TIA Thanks In Advance
TM Text Message (often refers to communications with text over cell phones)
TMI Too Much Info. (information)
TNT 'Til Next Time
TPS That's Pretty Stupid
TPTB The Powers That Be (can sometimes refer to the people that are running the chat room or server)
TRDMF Tears Running Down My Face: Can be with either laughter, or due to saddness.
TS Tough S**t
TSFY Tough S**t For You
TTFN Ta-Ta For Now
TTTT These Things Take Time
TTYL Talk To You Later
TY Thank You
TYT Take Your Time
TYVM Thank You Very Much
VPPH Virtual Places Page Host
US You Suck
usa or USA Until Sides Ache: Usually used with one of the laughter acronyms such as "lolusa" Laughing Out Loud Until my Sides Ache. I've also heard that some folks substitute ush for "Until Sides Hurt". rotflolush = rolling on the floor, laughing out loud, until my sides hurt.
UV Unpleasant Visual
UW yoU're Welcome
UY Up Yours
vp or VP Virtual Places: A brand of chat offered by Excite in the late 90s and early 2000.
WB Welcome Back (you say this when someone returns to a chat room)
WC WelCome
WEG Wicked Evil Grin
WEU What's Eating You?
WFM Works For Me
WIIFM What's In It For Me?
WTG Way To Go
WTF What The F**K
WT? What The ...? or Who the ...?
WTGP? Want To Go Private? (move to a private chat room)
WWJD What Would Jesus Do?
YAA Yet Another Acronym
YBS You'll Be Sorry
YL Young Lady
YM Young Man
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
YR Yea, Right. (sarcastic)
*ys* You Stinker
YVW You're Very Welcome
YW You're Welcome

настроение: olichnoe!
хочется: mnogogo!
слушаю: golos serdca!

~ Kuralay ~, 30-11-2008 14:33 (ссылка)

Help me!

Hi, everybody! How are you??
Help me, please!! I preparing for interview. Now I'm housewife and sit with my son. But I really want to work.
Soon I should go on interview. How is better prepared for it? And how is possible to tighten quickly the English?

PEP, Professional English Programm

Всем доброго времени суток!

Прошу откликнуться тех, кто учавствовал в PEP, что-либо знает о PEP или может порекомендовать кого-то, кто ездил в Англию по PEP.

Очень хочется поговорить, чего стоит ожидать, чего можно избежать и чего остерегаться. 
Подводные камни всегда есть.

PEP - программа стажировки в Англии, совмещает учебу (4-12 недель) и работу (22 недели).
Дароже чем Work and Travel, но дешевле чем съездть двоем на 14 дней в Таиланд или Китай.


Презентация книг Татьяны Мужицкой!!!

Интересное событие в мире
книг и психологии!

3 декабря в 19:00 на учебной базе Московского Центра НЛП состоится бесплатная
тренинг-презентация книг Татьяны Мужицкой и автограф-сессия.

Татьяна Мужицкая- известный и популярный Тренер НЛП, психолог, писательница и
телеведущая. В своих книгах Татьяна затрагивает такие аспекты жизни как работа
и профессиональный рост, уверенность в себе, управление собой и своей жизнью,
умение общаться с людьми и многое другое.

Участие в тренинге-презентации БЕСПЛАТНОЕ!

Подробнее на сайте организатора www.mcnlp.ru

Inessa Hotbreadi, 28-11-2008 14:33 (ссылка)

Помогите найти.

Подскажите , где можно бесплатно скачать школу Игоря Серова " Как легко и быстро выучить английский язык"?

___ **********, 16-11-2008 16:06 (ссылка)

Помогите проверить сочинение на наличие Ошыбок!

The story begins when an elderly lady is found dead in a little house far away from civilization. When Dr.Lovell and sheriff come to that house, Dr.Lovell found a young lady, she was very scared and she spoke a strange language. At the First, the girl is considered a "wild child" with mental and psychological problems. Dr. Paula Olsen, a psychiatrist, proposed take the young to a specialized hospital, but his proposal was not welcomed by Dr. Lovell, who is convinced that the young should stay in the forest, because this is her home. After a court, they decided to study the behavior of girl, Nell, during 3 months.
During those 3 months the life story of Nell becomes clearer… She lived with his mother, who was paralyzed on one side, in the mountains of Western North Caroline. Actually, Nell lives in that house alone and she can take care of herself. From beginning she is afraid of men, because she had suffer of male violence, but Dr. Lovell becomes her "guardian angel" and he tries to help Nell integrate into society. In the other side, Dr. Lovell became in love with Dr.Paula...
They discovered that the strange language of Nell is the language of twins, and that her twin sister died 20 years ago. Nell's integration in society was not an easy task because she was an innocent and that his innocence is not compatible with the reality of American society. People don´t understand Nell, because she spoke other language which none knew and Nell have strange ritualistic behaviors.The existence of Nell is discovered by journalists and was hiding in the hospital where shows depressive behavior, so she returns to her home in the forest.  In the fact, Nell hasn’t mental problems and that she is a person who unknown to Western Society, the language of this society and her traditions.
Five years later, Nell is living in the forest and she is visited by her friends: the sheriff and his wife, Dr. Lovell with Dr. Paula and their daughter.


настроение: Занятое

Без заголовка

People, I need translate to Russian many materials, located on disks. How I can do it using i-net? I need free programs, without money. Give me advice, pls.

настроение: тихое
хочется: не выразить словами
слушаю: теленовости

Метки: люди помогите!!!!!!!!!

Английский язык для детей и взрослых

Помощь в изучении Английского языка,  вся интересующая Вас информация будет при переходе на эту ссылку http://sunsunych.ucoz.ru/

Who don't like to sleep at night?

Hello! I'm Inna. I'm from Rostov-on-Don.
We have a dark night now. But I don't want to sleep at all. I'm just sitting in the kitchen now and talking with my cat.
And what about you? Do you like to sleep? What do you like? What do you do right now? Whrite me a few words, please. And sorry, my English is not very good, but I hope you have undestood me.

Метки: поболтать

I want to speak....

How are you?
I want to speak English.

I need in praktical.
I have study English since October 2007, becouse I know somethink.
I like to travel, read books, watch TV and walk.
and you?

настроение: very well

Метки: first steps in English :), поболтать

Без заголовка

Неllo!!! I want to write people that know english! And i want to learn English, write me

Метки: I`m interested in talking

Без заголовка

HI!!!!! Iam very glad to meet all of you))))) I would like to offer you to publicate any interesting topics,poetry,funny storries and etc.)))) maybe somebody translate anything from Russian into English or conversely? And also want to ask you if anybody has russion translation of  Happy prince by O.Wilde  made by В.Чухно?please send it to  me)) I need it for my future diplom work)))))
sincerely yours))))

Без заголовка

Я люблю копить всякие выражения, маленькие стишки и.т.д. Если возможно пришлите их на английском языке. Буду очень признательна

настроение: Благодарное


Hi everybody:) Who knows about some information where I can download movies in English or Spanish?Help, please. Who need something about learning English, I can help. 

настроение: Веселое
хочется: отдыхать

Hi, every 1! What's the purpose of your studying English? Jus

For example, as for me, it's my style of life.:))))). I'll tell more after your comments..

В этой группе, возможно, есть записи, доступные только её участникам.
Чтобы их читать, Вам нужно вступить в группу